May 14, 2024

Cooperman Delivers Paper on Republican Women Voters at Conference

Rosalyn Cooperman, Associate Professor of Political Science, delivered a paper, “Republican Women for Whom? Republican Women for Hillary and the Future of the Republican Party,” at the 2017 New Research on Gender in Political Psychology Conference at Tulane University, Oct. 22-24, 2017.

Baker Elected to REDCO Board of Directors

Brian Baker was elected to the Board of Directors for the Rappahannock Economic Development Corporation (REDCO). In that role he serves on the governance and loan committees. REDCO is a certified development corporation that facilitates fixed asset commercial lending under the U.S. Small Business Administration 504 program.

Subramanian Awarded Journalism Fellowship

Sushma Subramanian, assistant professor of English specializing in journalism, was recently awarded a Genetics and Human Behavior Journalism Fellowship. For the GHA Fellowship, Subramanian will observe researchers studying the physiology of the Bajau laut, a group in Indonesia known for their unique ability to see underwater and hold their breath for long periods while diving, to understand whether humans may have special adaptations for swimming.

Subramanian’s is one of five fellowships awarded by the Department of Psychology at the University of Virginia and aimed at early- and mid-career journalists. The fellowship supports ambitious, long-form stories on the broad theme of genetics and behavior. The fellowship was established by Eric Turkheimer, Hugh Scott Hamilton Professor, Department of Psychology at the University of Virginia, and Jonathan Weiner, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Beak of the Finch and Maxwell M. Geffen Professor of Medical and Scientific Journalism at Columbia Journalism School.

Parsons Participates in Digital Archives Summit

Carolyn Parsons, Head of Special Collections and University Archives, recently presented “Preserving Virginia’s Local Architectural Legacies: A Case Study” at the Digital Archives in the Commonwealth Summit at the University of Virginia. The conference explored present, past, and ongoing digital archives projects as well as practical and theoretical issues regarding the convergence of archival practice, scholarly research, and pedagogy. Parsons’ presentation focused on the digitization of UMW’s campus blueprints and architectural drawings by Charles M. Robinson and his understudy and successor, J. Binford Walford funded by The Community Foundation.

Jeremy Vaughn: Breathing Lessons

As the four short days of Fall Break come to an end, you can hear a whoosh sound — not from leaves falling, but from Jeremy Vaughn doing his breathing exercises. As Associate Director of Alumni Relations, Vaughn is the force behind the weekend of Homecoming festivities. Of course, the week before is hectic for him and others who work diligently behind the scenes to make sure each event runs smoothly. But Vaughn employs the same breathing exercises he uses as a musician. He turns stress into a motivator.

Jeremy Vaughn

Q: How did you get involved with alumni programming?

A: I credit my UMW liberal arts education for this opportunity, since I work in a field not quite related to my two majors. After graduating in 2008, I was working an unpaid internship doing curatorial work at the Fredericksburg Area Museum and needed a job to support myself. A few years of working this full-time job landed me a position as director of membership and fundraising-related programs. I am quite fortunate to have this fantastic job with Alumni Relations. They are a team of amazing people.

Q: What’s your favorite part of planning for Homecoming week?

A: I’m a sucker for the little things that make an event fun. This year, we have new custom wristbands with snap-off drink tickets that say “BEER ME.” It’s a small detail but I hope it gets a chuckle each time they use it at the bar.

Q: What are you looking forward to during Homecoming week?

A: I’d have to say my favorite part of any alumni event is watching alumni of different ages interacting and having a blast. We hold a happy hour on the Friday before Homecoming at Home Team Grill, which seems to attract a higher percentage of the older alumni. The brunch is a good mix of all ages, while the tailgate has a lot of younger alumni.

Q: Are there any Homecoming horror stories or funny stories you’d like to share?

A: If you were to ask any alumni this question, I’m sure you’d get some excellent answers for both. There are, of course, some legendary stories I can’t disclose, but to get these you should probably just come to Homecoming and hear them for yourself!


Reynolds Appointed to TESOL Professional Dev. Council

Patricia Reynolds, assistant professor in the College of Education, has been appointed by the TESOL Executive Board to the Professional Development Professional Council of TESOL International.

The Professional Development Professional Council (PDPC) assists TESOL International Association in identifying professional development needs based on issues and developments in English language teaching. Reynolds’ research in teacher education of non-native speakers of English was cited in the appointment in addition to the numerous events in professional development she has provided to the commonwealth of Virginia through the state grant course offered through the University of Mary Washington. Her appointment to this council is for three years.

SAC News

SAC Nominations – Have you nominated yourself or a co-worker to serve on SAC next year?  If not, no worries — you can nominate at this link –

COAR Pumpkin Palooza!    Staff/Faculty are invited to bring your children, nieces/nephews, and/or grandchildren to COAR’s annual Pumpkin Palooza this Sunday, Oct. 29, from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. There will be themed games and crafts being held on Ball Circle, as well as trick-or-treating across campus. Come in costume and enjoy an autumn afternoon! This is a great annual event that UMW students run and volunteer for – they would love to interact with you and your children there. You can email with any questions!

Staff/Faculty Mixer!  Save the Date!  SAC will be having a Fall Staff/Faculty mixer at Home Team Grill on Tuesday November 14th 4:30-6PM!   All staff & faculty are welcome to attend!

November SAC Meeting  – Our November SAC meeting will be held in Lee Hall 412 on Thursday November 16th from 1-3PM.  You do not need to be a member of the SAC to attend.  Hope to see you there!

November 17th Blood Drive – The UMW Red Cross Student Organization welcomes faculty and staff donors at our monthly blood drives on the Fredericksburg campus! This upcoming drive is the LAST chance to donate in the fall semester!  The drive will take place on November 17th at the Hurley Convergence Center Digital Auditorium Date from 11am-5pm.  Sign up online to donate at, search zip code 22401, and select the UMW drive. Walk-ins are welcome but please be aware that appointments take priority and we’ve had almost completely full appointment lists this semester!

Please email with any questions or comments.


Excellent Eagle Employee Program: Nominate your co-workers, supervisor or employees for the Excellent Eagle Employee award. It’s easy! Just complete the Excellent Eagle Employee nomination form on our website. Take some time to nominate someone today! Winners get reserved parking on campus for the month.


#1 F.A.N. (Fantastic Action Noticed) In addition to the Excellent Eagle program, you can also recognize a colleague using HR’s #1 F.A.N. program. Did you experience exceptional customer service or awesome collaboration? If so, nominate the person or people involved in that experience. Complete the #1 F.A.N. form on the HR website, and your colleague will be able to choose a UMW spirit item as a token of appreciation.


UMW History Professor Wins Book Prize

Allyson M. Poska, University of Mary Washington professor of history, has won the 2016 best book prize from the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women for Gendered Crossings: Women and Migration in the Spanish Empire. Gendered Crossings explores the diverse settings of the Iberian Atlantic and the transformations in peasants’ gendered experiences as they […]

Ten for Ten: Another Win for Student-Athletes

Oct. 10 marked the end of the second annual Ten for Ten Challenge for student-athletes. Each year, the student-athletes learn about the importance of giving back to their programs and supporting the Eagle Club with a suggested $10 gift. This year featured a new “spotlight series” throughout the 10-day challenge, which highlighted the stories behind one current student and two young alumni who have given back to UMW Athletics.

Within the past two years, 337 individual student-athletes have made gifts through Ten for Ten – making them the largest group of students who give back to UMW. In the words of Softball Captain Kara Deppe ’19, “the money donated to our athletic programs is so helpful and very much appreciated by all of us!”

Hirshberg Interview to Air on With Good Reason

Assistant Professor Dan Hirshberg will be featured on the With Good Reason public radio program in a presentation that airs Oct. 21-27.


In the show, “Enter the Subconscious,” Hirshberg discusses how he explores the subconscious with his Contemplative Studies students by wiring meditating students with brain-imaging headsets.

Audio files of the full program and its companion news feature will be posted the week of the show:

Broadcast times are posted at: