July 27, 2024

Cooperman Delivers Talk at GWU Global Gender Conference

Rosalyn Cooperman, associate professor of Political Science, presented her research on political parties and women’s political participation in the U.S. at the Empowering Women through Political Participation Conference sponsored by the Global Gender Program and the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University.

Cooperman Presents Paper at Georgetown University Political Parties Conference

Rosalyn Cooperman, Associate Professor of Political Science, presented a paper, “Office Seekers or Policy Demanders? The Parties from the Perspective of National Convention Delegates,” at the Georgetown Conference on Political Activists in a Polarized Age at Georgetown University on March 21.

The paper examines political behavior of delegates to the Democratic and Republican Party nominating conventions in 2012.

Cooperman Blogs for USAPP

Rosalyn Cooperman, Associate Professor of Political Science, wrote an invited post for the London School of Economics USA Politics & Policy blog on divisions among congressional Republicans and the government shutdown. Cooperman states that most House Republicans have no electoral incentive to compromise with congressional Democrats. Those Republicans who do represent swing districts with large populations of federal workers and retirees.

Rosalyn Cooperman Presents at Conference

Rosalyn Cooperman, Associate Professor of Political Science, presented a paper, “The Elephant in the Room: Conservative Women’s Groups and Republican Women Candidates in U.S. Congressional Elections, 2008 – 2012,” at the 2013 European Consortium for Political Research General Conference in Bordeaux, France.