September 7, 2024

Chiang Publishes in American Mathematical Society Journal

Yuan-Jen Chiang, Professor of Mathematics, publishes a joint article “Paying Tribute to James Eells and Joseph H. Sampson: In Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Their Pioneering Work on Harmonic Maps” in the Communications section of the April issue of the Notices of American Mathematical Society, 2015.

Jen Chiang Presents at ICM, Publishes Article

Yuan-Jen Chiang, Professor of Mathematics, presented a research paper “On Exponential Harmonic Maps” at the 2014 International Congress of Mathematicians (held every 4 years) in Seoul, South Korea. This paper has been accepted by Acta Mathematica Sinica.

She also published a joint research article “Remarks of Transversally f-Biharmonic Maps” (refereed) by the Society of Balkan Geometry in Europe.

Jen Chiang Published in the Journal of Geometry

Yuan-Jen Chiang, Professor of Mathematics, published a joint research article  “Transversal Wave Maps and Transversal Exponential Wave Maps” in the Journal of Geometry. It investigated the properties  and relationship of transversal wave maps and transversal exponential wave maps.

Jen Chiang Publishes Articles

Yuan-Jen Chiang, Professor of Mathematics, has a research article published in the Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics with the title “Harmonic and Biharmonic Maps of Riemann Surfaces.”

She also publishes another research article in Essays on Mathemaitcs and Statistics by Athens Institute for Education and Research, with the title “Biwave Maps, Stability and Conservation Law,” which was presented at the 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics in Athens, Greece.