September 10, 2024

UMW Receives $200,000 in V-TOP Grants for Growing Internships

The University of Mary Washington has received $200,000 in Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership (V-TOP) grants to enhance internship and work-based learning opportunities. “There’s no substitute for a quality internship as part of the undergraduate experience,” said UMW Provost Timothy O’Donnell. “We are so pleased to have increased support to make this a reality for […]

SCHEV’s Day of Dialogue Held at UMW

University of Mary Washington has a long commitment to community and civic engagement, encouraging students to get involved in the broader community through service, volunteerism, community-engaged classes, and civic learning. In fact, civic engagement is a leading goal in UMW’s strategic vision and a realization of the public purpose on our mission. A statewide conversation […]

UMW Awarded $250,000 for Fredericksburg Region Internships

The University of Mary Washington has received a $250,000 grant from SCHEV – the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia – to expand paid and credit-bearing student internships in collaboration with Virginia employers. The grant is part of the Fund for Excellence and Innovation, also known as the Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership. The […]