September 8, 2024

Open Enrollment for Tuiton Reimbursement Oct. 1-22

Open Enrollment period for Tuition Reimbursement for courses starting January through June 2019 is begins Oct. 1 and ends Oct. 22. The policy applies to classified, wage, administrative professional faculty, and other non-faculty part time employees enrolled in a degree-seeking program at other accredited institutions of higher education.

Those eligible will be provided with tuition reimbursement up to a specified amount after completing the course and submitting of proof of grade. (Eligible employees must be continuously employed by the University for a minimum of one year prior to their application and job performance must be satisfactory.)

Participants must submit a Tuition Reimbursement Request form to Office of Human Resources during the open enrollment period of Oct. 1 to Oct. 22, 2018 for courses starting January through June 2019.

The complete policy and procedures are posted at  You may also contact Denise Frye ( with any questions.

ORPHE Open Enrollment begins October 1

October 1 begins Open Enrollment for employees who participate in the Optional Retirement Plan for Higher Education (ORPHE).  During this period, which ends on October 31, ORPHE participants have an opportunity to change providers (DCP, Fidelity Investments and TIAA) and it will be effective on your January 16, 2019 pay.

You may refer to the ORPHE website at for additional information or to register for a webinar.   You  may also contact Denise Frye at with questions.


Flexible Spending Account for Plan Year 2016-2017

Sept. 30, 2017, is the last day to submit for eligible reimbursements for the July 2016 to June 2017 Flexible Spending Account plan year.  The year ended on June 30, 2017, and any outstanding transactions or reimbursement requests must be resolved by Sept. 30, 2017.  You may log into  your online account or contact customer service at 1-877-451-7244.

Optional Retirement Plan Participants

October is open enrollment for participants in the Optional Retirement Plan for Higher Education (ORPHE).  This is your annual opportunity to change  providers.  VRS will be hosting a series of open enrollment webinars for ORPHE participants.    The webinar schedule, participants open enrollment notice, provider change form and provider websites are located at

All provider change forms must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources on or before Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2017.