Professor of Sociology Eric Bonds served as a panelist in a forum held by The Free Lance-Star to discuss Fredericksburg data centers. The forum panelists include Daren Shumate of Shumate Engineering; Tracy Vargo, a principal partner at Stonebridge; Brent Hunsinger of Friends of the Rappahannock; and Eric Bonds, a University of Mary Washington professor and co-founder of Fossil Free Fredericksburg. Read more.
Bonds Discusses Data Centers on “Coffee Shop Talk” Podcast
Professor of Sociology Eric Bonds discusses data centers in Virginia on the podcast Coffee Shop Talk at Eileen’s Bakery & Cafe in downtown Fredericksburg. Bonds appeared on the show with Joey LoMonaco of the Fredericksburg Free Press talking about what LoMonaco calls “the buzzword of the current moment, and the coming decade, if we’re being real – data centers.” Listen to the podcast.
Join ‘TeamUMW’ to Support Folks Experiencing Homelessness in FXBG, Feb. 24
The Soc/Anth department has created “TeamUMW” in a local fund & awareness raising walk called the “Coldest Night of the Year,” to benefit Micah ministries. We would LOVE to have as many students, faculty & staff walk with us as feel able (and interested). Think of it as both social AND social justice! And a bit cold, in all honesty.
If you’d like to join us – here are the details:
Date: Sat, Feb 24, 2024
Time: 4pm check-in; walk at 5; all ending by 7 (snacks and such provided at the end.)
So- if any of you would like to join the team – PLEASE DO! Here’s a link to join our team — and feel free to invite friends!
Benefits: Micah Ecumenical Ministries. This organization works with folks in our community who have been experiencing homelessness for a long time (chronically homeless), or are literally on the street. Micah hosts a day center, a cold weather shelter, a respite facility (for folks leaving a hospital setting, too fragile to return to the street), and provides long-term housing & case management assistance to MANY of our neighbors who have been homeless. They bring a true harm reduction approach to their work, meeting people where they are, and respecting the dignity, autonomy, and gifts of those they work with. (And although they are organizational managed by faith communities, there is no expectation that their guests, volunteers or staff be of any faith background.)
ANYONE can walk with our team without needing to spend/donate a cent. Increasing visibility and support for this work is a super valuable outcome.
Any questions? Comments? Please reach out to Eric ( or Leslie (