September 8, 2024

College of Business Faculty to Present in Ireland

Lou Martinette

Mukesh Srivastava and Lou Martinette’s co-authored paper entitled Building a Sustainable Competitive Advantage” has been accepted for presentation at the11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Association of Management (IFSAM) 2012 to be held at the University of Limerick from June 26 to 29.

This research study focuses on the cross-industrial best practices in the context of the resource based competitive advantage model of the firm. It identifies managerial levers, tools and systems which all collectively combine to influence a firm’s ability to sustain its core competences and therefore its competitive advantage. Specifically, contemporary techniques are discussed that provide credible, accountable leadership, high performance recruitment, & employee rewards, retention of creative people, building a more engaged workforce, improved strategy definition and more balanced execution tools.

Mukesh Srivastava

Five Faculty Presented at Conference

Five UMW faculty members presented papers at the 2011 International Conference on Global Management Studies held Feb. 28 and March 1 in Las Vegas. The conference was organized by the Association of Global Management Studies and co-sponsored by the UMW College of Business.

Mukesh Srivastava, associate dean of the College of Business (COB) and associate professor, chaired the conference and presented the paper “Co-Creation Methodologies in a Matrix Organization: A Hermeneutic Approach.”

Faleh Alshameri, visiting assistant professor in the COB, presented his paper “Automated Metadata for Image Mining.”

Louis Martinette, associate professor in the COB, presented his co-authored paper “The Relationship Between Learning Orientation and Business Performance and the Moderating Effect of Competitive Advantage in Service Organizations.”

John St.Clair, director of distance and blended learning, presented his paper “Student Interest in Online Courses at a Liberal Arts University.”

Xiaofeng Zhao, assistant professor in the COB, presented his paper “A Queuing Theory Based Model to Estimate the Variability of Waiting Time in Supply Chain Operations.”

Of the 67 papers submitted, 22 from seven countries—Australia, Canada, China, Iran, New Zealand, Singapore and the U.S.—were accepted for presentation. Find more information about the conference and the Association of Global Management Studies (AGMS) at

The AGMS promotes research and advances the knowledge of global management educators, researchers and practitioners. Founded in 2009 by Srivastava, it publishes the “International Journal of Global Management Studies” and the “International Journal of Global Management Studies Professional.” Both journals are listed in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities and are available online via EBSCO’s Business Source Complete database.

To enhance global outreach, development of a regional AGMS chapter is underway in China. The chapter will be led jointly by a Chinese university and a member of the College of Business.

The 3rd international conference of the AGMS will be held in 2012 at the Harvard Faculty Club, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.  The strategic direction for the conference will be “A Conference of Choice and Quality” for academics and practitioner scholars globally.