Lauren Puglia applies lessons learned in her classroom.
Special Topics Course now registering students!
EDSE 547: Special Topics in Special Education: Autism will be held on Monday evenings from 6-8:40 this spring. This class is an elective course open for all students (graduate and undergraduates who are eligible to take a graduate class) and allows students the opportunity to learn about children with developmental disabilities (such as autism and intellectual disabilities), how to work with them, and gain supervised experience working with the children. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. UMW students spend half the semester learning in class and then run a play-based program at a local occupational therapy clinic for the remaining weeks under faculty guidance. We have received many positive comments from students enrolled in this semester’s class. Please encourage your students to sign up for this elective course. For more information contact Nicole Myers, Ph.D., or 286-8026. Thanks!