September 8, 2024

Employee Fall Luncheon, Oct. 13

The UMW Employee Fall Luncheon is back!! Save the date for  Tuesday, October 13th from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the University Center Ballroom.  Have lunch and hear from our new Vice President of Student Affairs, Juliette Landphair.  See your co-workers be recognized for 30+ years of service, hear updates on the Presidential Search, SAC and more UMW news!  We will have prizes to win!

Donation Requests:

Does your department have a “prize” that could be raffled off during the Employee Fall Luncheon?  Something perhaps to advertise your department and UMW?  We will also have items from the Bookstore like we have done in the past, but we are looking for some more unique and fun items your department might have available.  Please contact Jennifer Cooper ( or Terri Arthur ( if you would like to donate an item or have any questions.