September 11, 2024

Davis Publishes Book and Article

Janine S. Davis, assistant professor in the College of Education, has published a text titled Building a Professional Teaching Identity on Social Media: A Digital Constellation of Selves. The text was initiated during her work on the Digital Scholars Institute in 2014-15 and was completed during her Jepson fellowship year in 2015-16. The text features a foreword by Martha Burtis, director of the Digital Knowledge Center. Also in the text are mentions of the Domain of One’s Own project and citations from both an interview with Jeffrey McClurken, professor of History & American Studies and Special Assistant to the Provost for Teaching, Technology, and Innovation, and work by Zach Whalen, associate professor of English.

Davis also published an article with a colleague, Victoria Fantozzi, in the journal Mentoring and Tutoring. The article, “What Do Student Teachers Want in Mentor Teachers?: Desired, Expected, Possible, and Emerging Roles” will be published in the fall, but an online version is available at