July 26, 2024

UMW Professors Find Creative Ways to Teach Through COVID-19

Teaching at Mary Washington looks a bit different lately. Andi Smith films YouTube videos with her children to demonstrate architectural principles. Zach Whalen uses cartoons to teach a digital studies lesson. Smita Jain Oxford holds Zoom office hours for business majors on her daily jog. When the University moved to virtual classes last month due […]

UMW ‘Keeps the Light On’ Banned Books Week

Born in Russia, UMW sophomore Katia Savelyeva has called America home for most of her life. But the English major sometimes wonders what it would be like had she stayed in St. Petersburg. “I hope I’d still do things that don’t require as much bravery here in the United States,” said Savelyeva, who read aloud […]

Davis, Clayton and Broome Publish Article

Janine Davis, Courtney Clayton and John Broome’s article titled “Thinking like researchers: Action research and its impact on novice teachers’ thinking” was recently published in Educational Action Research. Full article can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/dxsxQffQmWmfXxZhFXti/full

Davis Publishes Book and Article

Janine S. Davis, assistant professor in the College of Education, has published a text titled Building a Professional Teaching Identity on Social Media: A Digital Constellation of Selves. The text was initiated during her work on the Digital Scholars Institute in 2014-15 and was completed during her Jepson fellowship year in 2015-16. The text features a foreword by Martha Burtis, director of the Digital Knowledge Center. Also in the text are mentions of the Domain of One’s Own project and citations from both an interview with Jeffrey McClurken, professor of History & American Studies and Special Assistant to the Provost for Teaching, Technology, and Innovation, and work by Zach Whalen, associate professor of English.

Davis also published an article with a colleague, Victoria Fantozzi, in the journal Mentoring and Tutoring. The article, “What Do Student Teachers Want in Mentor Teachers?: Desired, Expected, Possible, and Emerging Roles” will be published in the fall, but an online version is available at http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/XcegWJ89ZPz8W6TnWrjR/full

COE Faculty Present at AERA Conference

Janine Davis, Courtney Clayton, and John Broome, all assistant professors in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, presented their research at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association on “The Power of Educational Research for Innovation in Practice and Policy” in Philadelphia on April 6, 2014.  Their study investigates the ways that action research impacts professional identity among preservice teachers.

AERA is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and evaluation and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results. AERA is the most prominent international professional organization for educational researchers, with the primary goal of advancing educational research and its practical application. Its more than 25,000 members are educators; administrators; directors of research; persons working with testing or evaluation in federal, state and local agencies; counselors; evaluators; graduate students; and behavioral scientists.

Davis Presents, Publishes Article

Janine S. Davis, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, presented her research paper “The Long and Short of It: Preservice Teacher Pecha Kucha and Memoir” at the National Council of Teachers of English annual conference in Boston on Nov. 22.  She also served as a social media correspondent for the conference on Twitter.

Davis’s article “Building Resilient Students: Three Strategies for Success” draws on this work with memoir and prior work on persona in teaching and appears in the December issue of Educational Horizons Magazine.

COE Faculty Member Presents Talk, Writes Article

Janine Davis, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction and alumna of Virginia Tech, was selected from over 100 nominees to present at the TEDxVirginia Tech event on Nov. 9. Her talk, entitled “Persona as Mirror, Wall, or Window,” addresses the connections and boundaries that exist when we enact personae in everyday life.

Davis has also written an article, “Tackling Informational Text,” which appeared on Nov. 7 in ASCD Express. This publication is by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and supports the work of K-12 teachers.

COE Faculty Member to Present at VERA Conference

Janine S. Davis, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, will co-present at the Virginia Educational Research Association conference in Charlottesville, Va. on Friday, September 20 with two recent graduates of the five-year secondary/PK-12 M.Ed. program.  The research studies are entitled “Navigating Learning with Digital Natives,” with Dana Cazan, and “Drama and Adolescent Social-Emotional Development,” with Charlotte Maalouf.

TEDx Virginia Tech Event Set for Nov. 9 (Roanoke.Com)

Janine Davis Publishes Commentary in Teachers College Record

Janine Davis, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, has published a commentary in the Teachers College Record.  The article, “Defining/Undermining True Professionalism for our Times: Two Competing Narratives,” looks at the ways that teacher educators prepare students for practicum experiences.