September 11, 2024

Bales Publishes on Chicago Cubs

The Chicago Cubs winning the World Series this year coincides with a number of reference librarian Jack Bales’s writings on the baseball team.  His article, “The Show Girl and the Shortstop: The Strange Saga of Violet Popovich and Her Shooting of Cub Billy Jurges,” has just been published in the fall 2016 issue of the peer-reviewed Baseball Research Journal.  He spoke about Popovich and the shooting in Tempe, Arizona, at the March Spring Training Conference of NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture and published an article about her in the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star last month.  He also wrote a Cubs book review for the peer-reviewed NINE.  Bales participated in a panel discussion on author Willie Morris at the Mississippi Book Festival in Jackson during the summer, and he was recently asked to write a brief commentary on a new scholarly edition of two works by author Horatio Alger, Jr. (Bales has published widely on both authors.)