September 7, 2024

Center for Teaching Announcement

A message from the Provost.

To all faculty and staff:

As we end the academic year and head into summer activity, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the significant work of the Center for Teaching and announce some changes. As you are aware, the Center for Teaching (along with Digital Learning Support) played a critical role in supporting our efforts to transition to remote instruction this past spring. The Center for Teaching is now fully engaged in summer faculty development and preparations for fall.

It is important to recognize that the foundation for this effort owes much to the leadership of Dr. Caitie Finlayson who served on special assignment as the Faculty Program Director during the past two years. Caitie’s task was to work with faculty to plan and develop a Center for Teaching responsive to the needs and interests of our diverse faculty. Thanks to her efforts, the Center has a clear direction, offers a variety of programs and resources, and works collaboratively with other areas to provide faculty development and support.

As part of this effort, Caitie also led the national search for a full-time administrator for the Center, which brought us one of our own: Dr. Victoria Russell. I am pleased to share that Victoria will now continue on in an expanded role as the Director of the Teaching Center.

This summer, Caitie has elected to conclude her special assignment having successfully completed the task of designing and launching the Center for Teaching. I know you join me in thanking Caitie for her outstanding service and leadership to the University over the past two years, and in welcoming Victoria to her additional responsibilities.

We are also pleased to announce that Dr. Elizabeth Johnson-Young has accepted a position as a Faculty Fellow in the Center for Teaching. Elizabeth will be joining our current Faculty Fellow, Dr. Melissa Wells, in providing teaching support through consultations and program initiatives. Elizabeth brings experience in digital and online practices, as well as an interdisciplinary understanding of effective teaching, that will strengthen the Center’s continued growth and collaboration with our Digital Learning Support colleagues.


Nina Mikhalevsky

Russell Named Associate Director of Center for Teaching

A message from UMW Provost Nina Mikhalevsky:

Associate Director of UMW’s Center for Teaching and Associate Professor of Education Victoria Russell

Associate Director of UMW’s Center for Teaching and Associate Professor of Education Victoria Russell

Dr. Victoria Russell has accepted the position of Associate Director of UMW’s Center for Teaching. Victoria is an Associate Professor in the College of Education and former Program Director in Special Education. She received her Ed.D. from George Washington University in Special Education (2005), Master’s degrees in both History (1995) and Curriculum & Instruction (1996) from the College of William and Mary and a B.A. in History from Loyola University New Orleans (1993).

Victoria brings a wealth of professional development experience to this position. She has over 20 years of teaching experience in both K-12 and university settings and was a special education teacher in Maryland public schools. She specializes in inclusive practices and assessment and has had considerable experience thinking through accessible curriculum design and teaching these practices to future teachers. Victoria will be starting in this new position on June 25.

Open Call – Domain’s of One’s Own University Initiative

Open Dialogue – Domain’s of One’s Own has been rescheduled to November 15th, 4:00-5:30 in the Red Room.

Attend the Open Dialogue – Domain of One’s Own to learn about a groundbreaking UMW digital initiative sponsored by the Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation (CTE & I) and the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies (DTLT). A number of new domains and hosting will be established along with funding to incentivize this new initiative. There are now over 200 UMW students who have established their own domain names and bound their personal learning spaces to them. What’s more, there are ten professors who have piloted the initiative this semester by integrating it into their curriculum to varying degrees. Martha Burtis and Alan Levine have their students creating multimedia notebooks/portfolios of their work that they can they can continue to use or archive. Zach Whalen has his students creating their own web spaces that helps them take control and re-conceptualize digital identity. Rosemary Jesionowski is experimenting with art portfolios with her students, and several faculty in History are exploring the implications of their students managing and sharing their research as majors. Tying Domain of One’s Own into spaces that students own and take with them further reinforces teaching and learning doesn’t end at the university’s border. And when these students graduate their sites do not evaporate like discarded blue books. They live on as part of the students’ own personal clouds.

Open Dialogue panel members Jim Groom, Tim Owens, Martha Burtis, Mary Kayler, and Haley Campbell will give you an overview of the initiative designed to provide resources and support for faculty to develop a domain of their own. Building and designing your own professional and/or class spaces allows you to experiment, document, and innovate in the space of digital pedagogy and scholarship.

To incentivize this process, we are also having an Open Call for faculty to partner with DTLT and CTE & I in the development of a professional online presence. You will get your own domain, web hosting, and a stipend (not to mention support) to develop a professional online identity, ranging anywhere from an online CV/E-Portfolio to a sandbox to an alternative class space online. We are accepting applications from all levels of technology proficiency. We also encourage those who already have personal sites to apply in order to continue to develop out their online presence.  Please go here to apply for this initiative by no later than December 2nd, 2012 (11:55pm).

Additionally, becoming part of this initiative will enable you to be considered for CTE & I’s new Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship Fellowship to be awarded Spring, 2012. The details surrounding the Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship Fellowship will be formally announced on November 16th on the Center’s website (, but be sure to come on the 15th to get a sense of the initiative and how you might be able to participate.

This is an Open Call; everyone is welcome and invited to engage in this new initiative. Faculty who have limited technology expertise or faculty who have a well established website are encouraged to participate in this initiative. This is an opportunity to provide you with support (collegial, monetary, and resources) to engage in this important work.

Domain of One’s Own Co-sponsored Initiative includes:

  1. Successful completion of application (located on CTE & I and DTLE websites). Due: December 2, 2012 by 11:55pm.
  2. Agreement and participation in bi-monthly workshops that are designed to support your domain development and creation
  3. Construct a digital e-portfolio (aligned with Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship Fellowship criteria)
  4. Upon successful completion faculty will receive a stipend.

Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship Fellowship. CTE & I will award 2-5 Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship Fellowship this spring semester. Award winners will receive $1,000.00 for the first year and $1,000.00 for professional development the following academic year. You can self-nominate or be peer nominated. You do not need to participate in the Domain of One’s Own initiative to be considered. However, you will need to have an e-portfolio that clearly meets the Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship Fellowship criteria.

Kind regards,

CTE & I and DTLT