July 26, 2024

Rettinger Speaks to ‘Times Higher Ed’ about Cheating

Professor of Psychological Science and Director of Academic Integrity Programs David Rettinger

Professor of Psychological Science and Director of Academic Integrity Programs David Rettinger

David Rettinger, UMW professor of psychological science and director of academic integrity programs, and former president of the International Center for Academic Integrity, spoke to Times Higher Education for a piece titled “Zero cheating is a pipe dream, but we still need to push academic integrity.” Rettinger and Erica Price Burns offer key points for institutions to consider when creating systems that encourage academic integrity among students. Read more. 

Zero cheating is a pipe dream, but we still need to push academic integrity (Times Higher Education)

Rettinger Shares Expertise With ‘Inside Higher Education’

Professor of Psychological Science and Director of Academic Integrity Programs David Rettinger

Professor of Psychological Science and Director of Academic Integrity Programs David Rettinger

Professor of Psychological Science and Director of Academic Integrity Programs David Rettinger spoke to Inside Higher Education for an article titled “Simple Interventions Can Curb Cheating, Study Finds.” Rettinger, president emeritus of the International Center for Academic Integrity, said several interventions in the study have previously proven effective, including talking with students about the definition and importance of academic integrity. Read more.

Simple Interventions Can Curb Cheating, Study Finds (Inside Higher Education)

Rettinger Talks Academic Integrity With ‘Times Higher Ed’

Professor of Psychological Science David Rettinger

Professor of Psychological Science David Rettinger

Professor of Psychological Science and Director of Academic Integrity Programs David Rettinger spoke to Times Higher Education for a story titled, “Zero cheating is a pipe dream, but we still need to push academic integrity.” In the article, Rettinger and Erica Price Burns, who leads the research practice at Whiteboard Advisors, offer key points for institutions to consider when creating systems that encourage academic integrity among students. Read more.

Rettinger Publishes Book on Academic Integrity

Professor of Psychological Science David Rettinger

Professor of Psychological Science David Rettinger

“Cheating Academic Integrity: Lessons from 30 Years of Research,” co-edited by Professor of Psychological Science David Rettinger was published by Jossey-Bass in March. Rettinger serves as Director of Academic Integrity Programs at the University of Mary Washington. He currently leads the International Center for Academic Integrity’s research efforts and served as its President from 2018 to 2020. Learn more

Rettinger Interviewed by Inside Higher Education

Professor of Psychological Science and Director of Academic Integrity Programs David Rettinger

Professor of Psychological Science and Director of Academic Integrity Programs David Rettinger

Professor of Psychological Services David Rettinger was published in an article entitled “Combating Student Cheating: Key Podcast Reprise” in Inside Higher Education. Rettinger is director of academic integrity programs at UMW, and Kate McConnell is assistant vice president for research and assessment and director of the Value Institute at the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Read more.

Rettinger Comments on Decrease in Cheating in Online Courses

Professor of Psychological Science and Director of Academic Integrity Programs David Rettinger

Professor of Psychological Science and Director of Academic Integrity Programs David Rettinger

Professor of Psychological Science David Rettinger, director of Academic Integrity Programs at UMW, was interviewed for a CampusTechnology.com article, “Cheating Concerns in Online Courses Have Eased.”

“The actual belief that their peers are cheating is one of the most important predictors of academic dishonesty,” added David Rettinger, director of academic programs at the University of Mary Washington and president emeritus of the International Center for Academic Integrity. “Being surrounded by cheaters has an almost contagious effect.” Read more. 

Survey: Cheating Concerns in Online Courses Have Eased (Campus Technology; Times of News)

Shades of Gray on Student Cheating (Inside Higher Ed)