September 8, 2024

Thank You & Goodbye After 25 Years!

Just a brief note of appreciation to colleagues, co-workers, and friends with whom I’ve worked over the past twenty-five years at MWC/UMW. I enjoyed seeing many of you at the Facilities Services Holiday Breakfast and the kind words shared. Best wishes – look for me on the trail!


Battleground Parking Lot Construction

The construction of the expanded parking lot is projected to finish in October. Currently the parking area in front of the Physical Plant is closed. Staff and visitors to the Physical Plant may park in the east (loading dock side) parking lot and enter the building via the back lot during business hours. Athletics access to the locker room and physical therapy area is around the west side of the building around the construction fence, up the jogging trail from Softball. Until the project is complete week-day parking by students and coaches will be at the north end of the soccer fields, closest to Hanover Street. Contact Rob Johnston at if you have questions.

UMW Receives Preservation Award for Amphitheatre Renovation

The recent restoration of the University of Mary Washington’s century-old amphitheatre has been recognized by the Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. (HFFI). The nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting historic downtown Fredericksburg honored UMW with the E. Boyd Graves Preservation Award of Excellence. HFFI recognized John Wiltenmuth, associate vice president for Facilities Services; Rob Johnston, assistant director […]

Milton Kline Paints UMW Masterpiece

Three became park rangers. Two became college professors. There was an artist and a geneticist, a veterinarian and a pharmacist. There were teachers and a tradeswoman, valedictorians and Fulbright scholars. Milton Kline can tell you a story about each of them. He can tell you what their parents did and who they married, the early […]

Last Commencement for Joni Wilson & Harold Williams

The 2017 Commencement will be remembered not only as the first for Dr. Paino, but also as the last one supported by Joni Wilson and Harold Williams from Facilities Services. Both Joni and Harold are retiring this month and are looking forward to new opportunities and adventures. Light refreshments will be offered on Thursday, May 11, 9 a.m. at the Physical Plant Building for those who would like to wish them well.

UMW transitioning to new custodial services contract

On Friday, Feb. 10, Professional Building Maintenance Inc. (PBM) will begin providing custodial services to a number of UMW facilities including UMW Athletic facilities, Hurley Convergence Center, Simpson Library, University Center, Stafford Campus and several others. We appreciate the four years of service provided by GCA Services and expect a number of employees to transition to PBM, so there should be some familiar faces along with some new ones.

Some temporary disruption often accompanies the introduction of a new organization, but please know that UMW Facilities Services as well as PBM will be closely monitoring and work to resolve issues promptly. A special word of thanks to those individuals who agreed to review, interview and score the competing firms, and of course a huge “thank you” to the folks in Procurement who put in many hours to make this happen.


New Vehicle Requests Procedures

Faculty, staff, and student organization no longer need to send Vehicle Use Requests to Facilities Services by fax. After a “soft start” last spring, requests are now being processed by email. The vehicle request form still requires a FOAP and signature by the department head, but may be scanned and attached to an email to “”. The Facilities website provides instructions and a link to the form for printing.

For the fall semester, requests submitted either by fax or email will be processed through December. All requests in 2017 should be submitted by email.