September 9, 2024

Magrakvelidze Wins Chi Beta Phi Faculty Award

Assistant Professor of Physics Maia Magrakvelidze

Assistant Professor of Physics Maia Magrakvelidze

Assistant Professor of Physics Maia Magrakvelidze was awarded the 7th annual Chi Beta Phi Faculty Award. Chi Beta Phi is an interdisciplinary math and science honor society for undergraduates, which seeks to promote STEM disciplines and recognize academic achievements. The Faculty Award is a student-nominated award given to a professor in the STEM disciplines who demonstrates outstanding teaching and outreach to students. Students commented that Dr. Magrakvelidze is enthusiastic in the classroom, always willing to help students understand, and makes difference in their lives.

Magrakvelidze Gives Invited Talk

Dr. Maia Giving Talk

Dr. Maia Magrakvelidze, assistant professor in the Physics Department, was invited to give a talk on June 20 at the Department of Computational Mathematics at Georgian Technical University in Tbilisi, Georgia, called Dissociation Dynamics of Diatomic Molecules in Intense Laser Fields.

The computation modeling methods Dr. Maia is using was the subject of interest of the Department, and future collaboration opportunities were discussed.

Magrakvelidze and Killian Present at International Conference

Maia Magrakvelidze, assistant professor of physics, and her student Hannah Killian, presented the results of their research at the 49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics held May 28 to June 1, 2018 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The presentation, in the Time-Resolved Electron Dynamics and Attosecond Spectroscopy, was titled “Relative Delay among Br and Kr 4p, 4s, and 3d Photoionization.”

These results will hopefully help current experiments for investigating the time delay in photoionization processes of different systems.

The travel expenses were covered by UMW.

Nguyen and Magrakvelidze Attend Summer Faculty Development Workshop

Dr. Hai Nguyen, associate professor and chair of the Physics Department, and Dr. Maia Magrakvelidze, assistant professor of physics attended “Computation is an integral part of the education of every undergraduate physics student” workshop (PICUP) at UW River Falls on July 15-20. The workshop is designed to help physics instructors implement computational component in their classes. In addition it provides a great opportunity to connect with people who already have a good experience in teaching with computational component in their lower or upper level physics classes.

Magrakvelidze Publishes Article in the Journal of Physics

Maia Magrakvelidze, assistant professor in the Physics Department, co-authored an article with Himadri S. Chakraborty titled “Attosecond time delays in the valence photoionization of xenon and iodine at energies degenerate with core emissions” in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series 875, 022015 (2017), published online on Aug. 18, 2017. (See link:

Magrakvelidze Presents at International Conference

Maia Magrakvelidze, assistant professor of physics, presented the results of her research at the 48th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics held in Sacramento, California, on June 5-9, 2017. Her presentations, in the Time-Resolved Electron Dynamics and Attosecond Spectroscopy, were titled “Attosecond relative delay among xenon 5p, 5s, and 4d photoionization,” and “Time-dependent local density approximation study of iodine photoionization delay.” These results are very important for current experiments for investigating the time delay in photoionization processes of different systems.

Magrakvelidze Publishes Article in Physical Review A

Maia Magrakvelidze, assistant professor in the Physics Department, co-authored an article with Mohamed El-Amine Madjet and Himadri S. Chakraborty titled “Attosecond delay of xenon 4d photoionization at the giant resonance and Cooper minimum” in Physical Review A 94, 013429 published online 7/28/16, (See link:

Magrakvelidze Publishes Article in the Journal of Physics B

Maia Magrakvelidze, assistant professor in the Physics Department, co-authored an article with Ruma De, Mohamed E. Madjet, Steven T. Manson and Himadri S. Chakraborty titled “First prediction of inter-Coulombic decay of C60 inner vacancies through the continuum of confined atoms” in the Journal of Physics B 49, 11LT01 published online 5/3/16, (See link:

Magrakvelidze Publishes Article in the European Physical Journal D

Maia Magrakvelidze, assistant professor in the Physics Department, co-authored an article with Ruma De, Mohammad H. Jevani, Mohammad E. Madjet, Steven T. Manson and Himadri S. Chakraborty titled “Coherence of Auger and inter-Coulombic decay processes in the photoionization of Ar@C60 versus Kr@C60  in European Physical Journal D 70, 96 published online 4/21/16 (See link: