July 26, 2024

Title IX Responsible Employee Training, Oct. 25

The Office of Title IX and ADA Compliance, along with the Center for Prevention and Education (CPE), is hosting Responsible Employee training on Tuesday, Oct. 25, from 3:30 to 5 p.m., in the Colonnade Room, CRUC 315. All faculty and staff* are responsible employees, which requires them to report information about Title IX incidents under our Prohibited Conduct Policy. Join Director of Compliance and Title IX/ADA Coordinator Ruth Davison and CPE Director Marissa Miller to learn more about your role, the policy, reporting, quick tips on managing a disclosure and more. This training extends your introduction from new employee orientation. Therefore, it is a perfect time to learn more, seek clarification or refresh your knowledge. Contact Davison (tix@umw.edu) or Miller (prevention@umw.edu) with additional questions.

*Please note that confidential staff (Talley Center for Counseling Services, Student Health Center and athletic trainers) are the only exceptions to reporting obligations.

Title IX Training Requirement

Dear UMW Colleagues,

This letter serves to provide more information about the required Title IX and Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees (Not Anymore) online course required to be completed by all employees by Friday, October 8, 2021. The training is designed to provide you information on the requirements under Title IX, your role, and information on options, resources, and support available to you and our campus community.

Program Instructions

Please access the program by clicking the link below and entering your University credentials:


The University of Mary Washington is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environments for all members of the University community. UMW does not discriminate on the basis of sex or gender in any of its education or employment programs and activities. UMW prohibits Sexual Harassment (including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking), Sexual or Gender-Based Misconduct (including non-consensual sexual conduct, intimate partner violence, and stalking II), Sexual Exploitation, Retaliation, and Complicity (Prohibited Conduct). These forms of Prohibited Conduct undermine the character and purpose of the University and will not be tolerated. The University will take prompt and equitable action to eliminate Prohibited Conduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects.

We recognize that this program may be uncomfortable or triggering for individuals. If you are unable to complete this program, please contact Terri Arthur at tlockhar@umw.edu for an alternative training option. Campus and community resources are available on the Title IX website.

If you experience technical difficulties with the course, contact Vector Solutions via email at support.education@vectorsolutions.com.

It is the responsibility of every member of the UMW community to foster an environment free of sex or gender-based discrimination. We hope you find the course beneficial.



Terri Arthur
Employee Relations and Title IX Deputy for Employees


Greetings Faculty and Staff,

Mary Washington will close out Sexual Assault Awareness Month on Wednesday, April 29th, with Denim Day. The UMW Community is encouraged to wear denim to promote a discussion about myths and stereotypes surrounding sexual assault. Although, we are not on campus, we want to present a collage of employees wearing denim throughout the day on social media.

Please complete the Denim Day Form if you are interested in submitting a picture for the collage by 10am, Wednesday, April 29th. Or email Marissa Miller (mmille23@umw.edu). Early submissions are welcome.

If you are interested in posting a picture on your personal and/or UMW affiliated accounts, please use the toolkit below:

  • Tag us on Instagram (@UMWCPE) or Facebook (@UMWCPE)
  • Use #denimday and #UMWisHOME
  • On April 29, wear denim with a purpose

Denim Day and wearing jeans in April became an international symbol of protest of harmful attitudes about sexual assault after an Italian Supreme Court decision overturned a sexual assault conviction because the survivor wore tight jeans. The first Denim Day in the United States occurred in 1999 organized by Peace Over Violence, a nonprofit based out of Los Angeles. Learn more on the Denim Day website.

In solidarity,

Marissa Miller
Center for Prevention and Education

UMW, Other Virginia Campuses Hold Virtual ‘Take Back the Night’

Take Back the Night – an international event that aims to end sexual, relationship and domestic violence in all forms – has had many incarnations since its inception more than 35 years ago, from rallies, marches and performances, to runs, walks and biking events. Now, with the looming presence of COVID-19, the event went virtual for the first time ever. Take Back the Night for 2020 is Take Back the Net.

Held as an annual speak-out and candlelight vigil at Mary Washington for over two decades, the event brings together the University and Fredericksburg communities to share personal stories of resilience and recovery, stand up against sexual assault and gender-based violence, and let survivors know they are not alone.

Unable to assemble in person, UMW Eagles joined electronically with colleges and universities across the Commonwealth for Take Back the Net on Tuesday evening. Spearheaded by the Virginia Campus Task Force, this Zoom gathering featured survivors, advocates and allies, including several Mary Washington students and alumni. The event came as higher education institutions nationwide observe Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in April. Read more.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

The following message is from UMW’s Center for Prevention and Education:

Across the nation, April is celebrated as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). This is a time for raising awareness of sexual assault and gender-based violence, as well as celebrating the strength of survivors, passion of advocates, and compassion of allies.

In these unprecedented times, we are all adjusting our schedules and modifying routines because of COVID-19. For us, that included cancelling all April SAAM scheduled in-person programming organized by our student organizations, faculty, staff, and off-campus partners. As we are adapting to social distancing, the Center for Prevention and Education (CPE) is moving forward with virtual programming for April. It is important to reiterate our commitment to survivors, advocates, allies, and the educational components of SAAM. We look forward to hosting online events, collaborations, engaging more with our community through social media, and shining a spotlight on others that were part of the SAAM planning for April 2020.

We hope you will join us on Instagram and Facebook to support our virtual 2020 SAAM efforts. Our SAAM 2020 webpage includes information on upcoming virtual programs, content you can share through social media, SAAM coloring pages, giveaways, and much more.

Finally, to share a little home away from home and as thank you in advance for supporting our vision, the grand prize giveaway for engaging with us on social media will be one University of Mary Washington diploma frame.  Please visit our SAAM 2020 webpage or Instagram profile for additional information.

Stay healthy, practice self-care, and reach out if you need support.

Marissa Miller
Center for Prevention and Education

Stefanie Lucas-Waverly: Break the Cycle

Title IX Coordinator Stefanie Lucas-Waverly in front of Fairfax House. Photo by Suzanne Carr Rossi.

Title IX Coordinator Stefanie Lucas-Waverly in front of Fairfax House. Photo by Suzanne Carr Rossi.

The Center for Prevention and Education (CPE) has rolled out a collection of events this October to promote National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Among them is Break the Cycle, a spin class co-hosted by Campus Recreation.

Though she’s an avid cyclist herself, Title IX Coordinator Stefanie Lucas-Waverly’s mission at UMW goes beyond exercise. Events like this highlight the importance of healthy relationships and preventing partner abuse. According to BreaktheCycle.org, nearly three out of every four Americans know someone who has experienced domestic violence.

The Violence Against Women Act has made great strides since it passed 25 years ago, but there’s always work to be done. The $300,000 grant Mary Washington received from the Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women in 2016 has helped tremendously, Lucas-Waverly said, leading to CPE’s launch and more resources for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, including the You are Not Alone guide and a coordinated community response team.

“The grant also enabled us to hire Jaime Opanashuk, who works in the Talley Center,” said Lucas-Waverly. UMW’s confidential victims advocate and case manager, Opanashuk is a bridge between those who have experienced sexual assault, misconduct and domestic violence and their decision to seek counseling, legal advice or other options.

As for Lucas-Waverly, her student affairs background and passion for equal access to education primed her for her position, which monitors the University’s compliance with Title IX, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex. She also ensures that all employees receive proper education and training and that UMW adheres to protocol when addressing a complaint.

“Our office serves all members of the Mary Washington community – faculty, staff and students,” said Lucas-Waverly. “We’re here to help and make sure you know you are not alone.”


Q: What brought you to UMW?
A: I’m originally from California and have slowly made my way east. My partner and I moved to Fredericksburg from Chicago two years ago, and it was excellent timing that the Title IX investigator position was open. I became the Title IX coordinator this past March.

Q: October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. What activities are planned?
A: We’ve partnered with Safe Zone, Campus Recreation, the Office of Disability Resources and several off-campus organizations like Empowerhouse and Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault to create events that promote healthy relationships. These include Pizza and Consent, an LGBTQ+ friendly interactive workshop, and Let’s Talk, a discussion about the risk factors faced by students with disabilities – who are almost twice as likely to experience sexual or domestic violence – and prevention. Learn more.

Q: Tell us about Step Up! and how we can get involved.
A: It’s an award-winning bystander intervention program that we launched at UMW in 2018. It covers all sorts of problematic situations, such as alcohol abuse, hazing, depression, discrimination, sexual assault, eating disorders and academic misconduct. Learn more.

Q: The work you do sounds emotionally taxing. How do you cope with it?
A: My partner and I love hiking and taking our dog on long walks. I’m also very invested in my yoga practice and love to cycle.


Purdy Contributes to National Study on Sexual Harassment and Assault

In her role as board member for the non-profit organization Stop Street Harassment (SSH), Britnae Purdy, Project Coordinator in the Office of Title IX, has contributed to a joint national study by SSH, UCSD Center on Gender Equity and Health (GEH), RALIANCE, CALCASA and Promundo.

The study, titled “Measuring #Metoo: A National Study on Sexual Harassment and Assault” includes findings that:

  • 81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime.
  • The most frequently listed location for sexual harassment is a public space, while most sexual assault takes place in private homes or residences.
  • Sexual harassment and assault cause people, especially women, to feel anxiety or depression and prompt them to change their route or regular routine.
  • While experiences of sexual harassment and assault are highly prevalent, accusations of sexual harassment and assault are very rare.
  • Most people who said they committed sexual harassment also said they had experienced sexual harassment.

The release of this study came at the end of April’s national observance of Sexual Assault Awareness Month and serves as a follow-up study to the February 2018 report “The Facts Behind the #MeToo Movement: A National Study on Sexual Harassment and Assault.” 

Community-Wide Pop-Up Art Gallery

The Office of Title IX and Center for Prevention and Education, along with local partner Empowerhouse and student clubs Feminists United and SAVE, would like to invite the UMW community to participate in the I Can, We Can Pop-Up Gallery. This socially engaging art program challenges participants to reflect on what they can do, individually and as a community, to prevent domestic abuse and interpersonal violence. All UMW and Fredericksburg community members are invited to submit a work of art at bit.ly/fburgICAN by Friday, Feb. 9, and to join us in the Chandler Ballroom from 5-8 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 15 to enjoy a pop-up art gallery along with refreshments and hands-on activities.