July 26, 2024

Cooperman Weighs in on State Funding on Moneygeek.com

Professor and Chair of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor and Chair of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Department of Political Science and International Affairs Professor and Chair Rosalyn Cooperman was interviewed by Moneygeek.com for an article entitled, “Return on Statehood: How Much Value Every State Gets from the Federal Government.”

What role does federal funding play in state government finances?

The role of federal funding in state government finances varies widely from state to state. For example, federal funding of K-12 education is quite small — typically less than 10% — compared with funding from the states and their local governments. Of course, that federal funding represents billions of dollars, which is not an inconsequential sum of money for public schools and students. States and their localities receive federal funds to help implement programs like IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which ensures that children with disabilities and special education needs receive a free and appropriate public education. Read more.

Cooperman Weighs in on Virginia Governor’s Race

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman shared comments with STAT prior to Election Day in Virginia:

“The governor’s race [is] an important test of how both parties message on Covid,” said Rosalyn Cooperman, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington. “Is that going to be palatable to voters who have typically trended blue over the last election cycles? I think we are paying very close attention to it because of the implications it has in other races in other states moving forward.” Read more.

Cooperman Discusses COVID-19 on Vietnam News

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs Rosalyn Cooperman appeared on Vietnam News to discuss COVID-19. Watch here.

Cooperman Interviewed in Telegraph on Biden’s First 100 Days

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman was interviewed for an article/video story in The Telegraph entitled, “President Biden is failing to dismantle Trump’s legacy and heal a divided nation.” The piece also discusses Biden’s first 100 days as president. Read more.

Cooperman Discusses Republican Women in The Atlantic, The Daily Beast

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman was quoted in an article in The Atlantic entitled, “Democrats Have a Republican Women Problem.”

“Women are particularly good at thinking communally,” Rosalyn Cooperman, a political-science professor at the University of Mary Washington who studies women’s political involvement, told me. “They’re thinking about what this means for when their kids are going to go back to school, if they have to work from home, how their jobs and family life have all been upended.” Read more.

Cooperman was also featured in an article in The Daily Beast entitled, “2020 Was a Big Win for Women—Republican Women.”

“Republicans should be thanking their lucky stars for the women that are running this cycle,” said Rosalyn Cooperman, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington. “The inroads that were made by Republicans in 2020 on the House side were made by women, and they would be well-served to remember that.” Read more.

Cooperman Discusses Female Congressional Candidates on Facebook Panel

Associate Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Associate Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman joined a Facebook Live panel on Oct. 29 to discuss the book, “Politicking While Female: The Political Lives of Women,” and her chapter, “On the Money: Assessing the Campaign Finance Networks of Women Congressional Candidates.” Watch here.

Cooperman was also quoted in an article in The Daily Beast, entitled, “2020 Was a Big Win for Women—Republican Women.”

“Republicans should be thanking their lucky stars for the women that are running this cycle,” said Rosalyn Cooperman, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington. “The inroads that were made by Republicans in 2020 on the House side were made by women, and they would be well-served to remember that.” Read more.

2020 Election By The Numbers – Infographic & Stats (WalletHub)

Voting-related legal challenges likely to continue past Election Day (marketplace.org)

Cooperman Discusses Voting-Related Legal Challenges on Marketplace Radio

Associate Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Associate Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman

Associate Professor of Political Science Rosalyn Cooperman spoke with the Marketplace radio show about how voting-related legal challenges will continue past Election Day.

Rosalyn Cooperman, a professor of political science at the University of Mary Washington, said the pandemic has played a role in the spike in donations.

“I think that COVID has incentivized giving, particularly for folks who are paying close attention to the elections that are coming down the pike,” she said. “The presidential race, but also the Senate increasingly, has become competitive not just for individual races, but also for majority party control of the Senate. And this provides lots of incentives for folks on both sides.” Listen here.

Is 2020 the Year of the Republican Woman? Women’s PAC support for Republican Women Candidates Suggests Otherwise (cawp.rutgers.edu)