September 12, 2024

Update on UMW’s Police Community Advisory Panel

A message from the Office of the President.

To the campus community:

As a follow up to my recent email about formation of a Police Community Advisory Panel (CAP), I wanted to remind you of this group’s charge and to announce the committee’s membership. As part of my commitment to a complete and open accounting of the events surrounding the May 31 Fredericksburg community protests, I pledged to create an independent panel to fully examine the actions of our police. I have asked members of the CAP to thoroughly review the incident and to make recommendations as to how our police can better align with UMW’s community values.

Here are the members:

Maya Jenkins
Salem Smith

Danny Tweedy

Arin Doerfler

Community Members
Pamela Jones
Claire Cole Curcio

BOV Members
Rhonda VanLowe
Allida Black

Marc Tate ‘92
Zaya Ahmed ‘18

Ex Officio
Davis McCrory, Internal Auditor

I am grateful for the willingness of each member to serve and undertake this important task, and I will keep you updated as their work progresses.

President Troy Paino