September 13, 2024

2021 – Annual Security Awareness Training

The following is a message from Information Technology. 


The Commonwealth of Virginia Security Standard SEC501-11.3 requires all agencies to establish and manage a cybersecurity training program and that all employees, contractors, and account owners complete security training annually. It is time again for UMW’s annual security awareness training.

This year the training will be delivered using a new training platform called Litmos. The training content will be the same as last year but presented through the Litmos service.

You will soon receive an email notification(s) from Litmos regarding your required UMW Annual Cybersecurity training.

NOTE: Some people are required to take additional training courses, depending on the data handled and processed in their department. If this is true for your department, you will see multiple course(s) to complete in the training dashboard.

You can use your UMW NetID and password to log into the training system, and the training should take about an hour to complete. It is not necessary to complete all the training modules at one time. You can save your progress and continue later.

You must complete your training by Sunday, March 28, 2021. If you do not complete the training on time, your UMW NetID account will be disabled.

If your account is disabled, you will have to contact the IT Help Desk during regular business hours to request your account to be re-enabled. You will then have up to a week to complete your training. If you do not complete your training within the allotted time, your account will be disabled again. This process will repeat until you have completed your training.

If you have technical questions or problems when taking the training, contact the IT Help Desk at or call at 540-654-2255.

If you have questions about the cybersecurity training policy or process, you can contact me directly.

Thank you.

Mike Townes
Director of Information Technology Security/ISO
University of Mary Washington