July 26, 2024

The Power of Logos

Swooshes. Mouse ears. Golden arches.

From just those mentions, certain logos come to mind – right? Some famous companies’ logos carry so much value and recognition that they don’t even have to spell out their names. On the surface, logos may seem like simple art work, but there is MUCH more behind logos than meets the eye.

UMW Primary LogoLet’s look at our own logo for the University of Mary Washington, in existence for little more than a decade. Those iconic columns, teamed with our distinctive tag line, represent our reputation, and the logo’s constant and consistent use – on t-shirts, in publications, within emails, on the web, etc. –broadens our visibility and boosts recognition of our institution.

We have a lot of logos at UMW. Some are recognized as official and are illustrated in our Brand Standards and Visual Identity Toolkit. Others are not. These tend to dilute our visibility and reputation. The University of Mary Washington Committee on Visual Identity Standards has been has been tasked with reviewing these “non-official” logos as part of its ongoing charge to help enforce our graphic standards and enhance the institution’s name recognition.

The committee will be reviewing logos of various entities, organizations, and departments throughout our campuses and will evaluate logos according to guidelines set forth in the Brand Standards.

If you have questions about the process or a logo you are currently using, please contact committee chair AJ Newell at anewell@umw.edu.

University Branded Photos Now Available

UMW SmugMug photo siteLooking for that perfect UMW branded photo for your publication or presentation? Your search is over! University Relations has made available a number of our best images from recent photo-shoots. This online photo collection includes a wide range of University of Mary Washington images such as campus scenes, university buildings, events, and interesting classroom and laboratory environments. The high-resolution images may be downloaded for free to use on the Web or in reports and presentations. The photos are housed at umwedu.smugmug.com. Check back as we add photos to this resource monthly.

Brand Standards and Visual Identity Toolkit

The Office of University Relations has unveiled to the campus community the completed Brand Standards and Visual Identity Toolkit. This document replaces the Graphic Standards, which have been in use since 2004.

This toolkit has been developed over the course of many months, and it has been endorsed by President Hurley and approved by the Cabinet.

As you review the identity standards, please remember that first impressions occur in a multitude of formats. From print to electronic communications to online to social media, the manner by which we visually present the University of Mary Washington has a significant impact on how we are viewed by the public. As we communicate about the University, this publication will provide detailed guidelines for using our trademarked logos and other visual representations of the University.

This is a fluid document: changes should and will be made as situations dictate. In conjunction with release of these standards, President Hurley has appointed a Visual Identity and Brand Standards Committee, which will serve an oversight and compliance role. This committee will also consider any proposed changes to the standards. Current members include:

Anna Billingsley, chair
Erma Baker
Richard Finkelstein
Malcolm Holmes
Shelley Keith
Lou Martinette
AJ Newell
Clint Often
Anand Rao
Gregg Stull
Mark Thaden
Marty Wilder
Susan Worrell
Representative from Admissions
Representative from Student Activities
Student representative

By consistently following the guidelines outlined in the Toolkit, we can all help build a strong, unified image for the University of Mary Washington.

Should you have questions about the Brand Standards and Visual Identity Toolkit, contact Anna Billingsley, Associate Vice President for University Relations, at (504) 654-1686 or abilling@umw.edu; or AJ Newell, Director of Design Services and Brand Coordinator, at (540) 654-1934 or anewell@umw.edu.

The Brand Standards and Visual Identity Toolkit is a PDF file. You may download it here.