Elizabeth Johnson-Young, Assistant Professor of Communication, recently had her co-authored manuscript “Understanding Pediatric Residents’ Communication Decisions Regarding Anticipatory Guidance About Firearms” published in Journal of Health Communication. It is now available on their website and will appear in the next print version. The study was co-authored with emergency pediatricians and investigates decisions of pediatricians to counsel on firearm safety during well-child visits, as recommended by organizations, such as the AAP. Using concepts from the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Health Belief Model, ordinary least squares regression testing and a path analysis demonstrated the impact of several variables on the prioritization of firearm counseling, including pediatrician sex, perceptions of parental viewpoints on, self-efficacy, perceptions of training, and comfort discussing firearms. Future plans include further study, as well as training material for residential programs. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10810730.2020.1745961.
Johnson-Young Publishes Paper on Firearm Safety Counseling Practices of Pediatricians
Elizabeth Johnson-Young, Assistant Professor of Communication, recently published a paper now available in the peer-reviewed journal Children. This project was completed in conjunction with research colleagues in emergency pediatrics from University of Maryland, Kaiser Permanente, and The Herman and Walter Samuelson Children’s Hospital at Sinai, and is part of a larger set of data and projects. The current publication is the first among a few upcoming publications from the project and presents data and conclusions regarding pediatric medical residents’ attitudes towards anticipatory guidance counseling about firearms and firearm safety. Survey items asked residents about their knowledge of current gun safety campaigns, as well as their own gun safety counseling practices. Overall conclusions are that residents support the idea of counseling patients on firearm safety as part of their anticipatory guidance practices, but seem to recognize that the subject of firearms can be problematic. Educational programs and resources are needed to support pediatricians in this type of counseling. This paper is now available in open access form at the following link: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9067/6/11/122/htm
Johnson-Young Publishes Research on Corporate Social Responsibility Campaigns
Elizabeth Johnson-Young, Assistant Professor of Communication, has published a peer-reviewed research article in Corporate Communications: An International Journal. The article, “The CSR paradox: When a social responsibility campaign can tarnish a brand,” looks at instances when a social campaign can hurt a brand even though it may successfully raise concerns for the campaign issues. The paper presents results of an experiment looking at prevention versus promotion-framed messages in a real-world corporate social responsibility (CSR) campaign to understand differences in concerns for the campaign issues and attitudes towards the sponsoring corporate brand. Results indicated that even when message framing produced strong concerns for the issues, negative effects of the message framing were directed at the brand itself. The publication is now available online and will be in the next printed journal, as well.
Johnson-Young Presents at Conference Hosted by the CDC
Assistant Professor of Communication Elizabeth Johnson-Young presented research at the CDC’s National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media, in Atlanta. The research presented, “Pediatric Residents’ Comfort, Confidence, and Communication in Relation to Anticipatory Guidance about Firearms,” was completed with researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The work investigates how and why pediatricians decide to counsel patients and their parents on firearms and firearm safety during well visits. This counseling is encouraged by the American Academy of Pediatrics, but a large portion of pediatricians do not include this in their well visits or they rely on handouts given during visits. The investigation found that training, confidence in ability, and comfort in discussions influence decisions and that female pediatricians are less likely to indicate confidence and comfort in these discussions, even though they indicate these as more important than male pediatricians. This is a first step in a larger work with the aim to develop programming and training for both pediatricians and patients in opening dialogue regarding firearms and firearm safety surrounding children and teens.
Johnson-Young Presents with UMW Alumni at Conference
Elizabeth Johnson-Young, assistant professor of communication, presented work with two UMW alumni, Alexander Clegg and John Guidon, at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference in Washington, D.C.
The peer reviewed paper, “Religion and the Media: A Study of Student Perception of Media Bias in Georgia,” was presented in the Religion and Media Interest Group division and discussed survey research conducted in Tblisi, Georgia, investigating religiosity and perceptions of media bias towards the Georgian Orthodox Church.
Johnson-Young Publishes Essay in Health Communication
Elizabeth Johnson-Young, Assistant Professor of Communication, recently had her essay published online in the journal Health Communication.
Predicting Intentions to Breastfeed for Three Months, Six Months, and One Year Using the Theory of Planned Behavior and Body Satisfaction will also appear in the print version in the next edition of the journal.
You can read it here: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/icCiTHb9tKmyJy6b4JT3/full.
Johnson-Young Presents Research at Conference
Elizabeth Johnson-Young, Assistant Professor of Communication, presented research at this year’s Southern States Communication Association conference in Greenville, South Carolina. The paper, presented in the Communication Theory division, presented the results of a theoretical model to predict intentions to breastfeed. Combining the theory of planned behavior and uses and gratifications theory, the research provides a first test of a more thorough understanding of the impacts on breastfeeding intentions.
Johnson-Young Publishes Article
An article by Elizabeth Johnson-Young, assistant professor of communication, has been published in the journal Qualitative Research Reports in Communication. The article, “Help Me Understand What I Can Expect While I’m Expecting: What Women in a Prenatal Yoga Class Communicate About Body Image, Fitness, and Health,” reports the results of pilot study using ethnography and in-depth interviews with women participating in a prenatal yoga class.
The results indicated several themes regarding what characterizes the way women in the prenatal yoga class talk about body image, health, and fitness during pregnancy. These themes include: expressions of body image and fitness as communal, expressions of desire for relationship-building with women in similar situations, expressions of desire to maintain pre-pregnancy fitness, expressions that redefine “fitness” and “health,” expressions of concern about post-pregnancy fitness and weight loss, and expressions of self-consciousness. The article provides practical and theoretical implications for future study.
The study will be published in the Fall 2016 journal, but is now available online.
Johnson-Young Receives Top Paper Award at Communication Assn. Conference
Elizabeth Johnson-Young, assistant professor of communication, received a top paper award in the Theory and Methodology division of the Eastern Communication Association. The paper, Uses and Gratifications During Pregnancy and Their Impact on Breastfeeding Intentions, was presented at the association’s annual conference held in Baltimore, Md.
The paper utilized uses and gratifications, traditionally employed as a descriptive media theory, to help explain breastfeeding intentions among surveyed pregnant women. Starting with a qualitative approach to the uses and gratifications data, a typology of media uses was constructed for data analysis. Findings demonstrated the importance of rethinking traditional uses and gratifications research and some ways that media messages might impact breastfeeding intentions on their own and through interactions with other important variables, such as body satisfaction.
Elizabeth Johnson-Young Wins National Communication Association Award
Elizabeth Johnson-Young, assistant professor of communication, was recently awarded the prize for the Top Student Paper in the Health Communication Division of the National Communication Association. The paper, “Predicting Intentions to Breastfeed for Three Months, Six Months, and One Year Using the Theory of Planned Behavior and Body Satisfaction,” was written and submitted while completing her doctoral studies in the spring of 2015 and was presented at the organization’s national conference in Las Vegas in November.
Johnson-Young’s research surveyed pregnant women regarding their intentions to breastfeed their babies for three recommended periods of time. Findings demonstrated the strength of the theory of planned behavior constructs in predicting these intentions, as well as a possible boomerang effect of perceived subjective norms, which might also be conceptualized as perceived social pressure. Including body satisfaction prior to and during pregnancy also appeared to be a significant moderator of these intentions, providing a new way to understand both theoretical influences and practical considerations for this specific population in making health decisions.