July 26, 2024

Larus Comments on Passing of Chinese Premier

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Elizabeth Freund Larus, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at Pacific Forum joined The John Batchelor Show for a segment titled “#PRC: Who was Li Keqiang of the CCP? Elizabeth Larus, Pacific Forum.” She commented on the passing of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. Listen to the segment.

Other recent media mentions for Larus include:
Elizabeth Freund Larus speaks on the outcomes of APEC (CGTN)
“I think a lot was accomplished but certainly you know, as the other speaks have said, the military-to-military channels of communications are extremely important,” said Elizabeth Larus.
US investment in China a talking point for Xi Jinping (Newstalk ZB)
University of Mary Washington Political Science Professor, Elizabeth Larus, told Mike Hosking that Xi is pleading with US businesses to keep investing in China.
She says China can’t really do due diligence with US investors as US investment has nearly dried up due to a national security law making investors more cautious.

Larus Writes on Elevation of US-Vietnam Relations

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Elizabeth Freund Larus, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at Pacific Forum, published commentary in the forum’s PacNet on the upgrade of US-Vietnam relations to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Professor Larus writes that the elevation of US-Vietnam relations facilitates bilateral trade and investment, but more importantly counters China.

Read the commentary here.

Larus Shares Expertise on China

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus spoke on TV for a segment titled “Is China trying to catch up with the Belt and Road losing momentum through this forum?” Larus said “Xi’s BRI 10 yrs on is robust in the Global South but a bust in Europe due to overpromise and underdeliver. Hungary’s Orban is the only European head of state attending Beijing celebration.” Watch the clip.

Larus Comments on US Technology Export Controls

Last year the US government imposed semiconductor export controls on China amid concerns that the country was using civilian technology for military purposes. Elizabeth Larus writes that these and other measures such as the denial of license applications by the US Commerce Department and nuclear nonproliferation controls have put US trade, investment, and defense industry lobbyists at odds with national security hawks in Washington. Read more.

Larus Offers Guest Lecture to Pacific Forum Fellows

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs

Elizabeth Freund Larus, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at Pacific Forum, offered the (virtual) guest lecture “Is the US Abandoning the One China Policy?” to Young Leaders Fellows of the Pacific Forum on September 26. Professor Larus explained that the US ‘one China’ policy confuses Beijing, which follows a ‘one China’ principle, resulting in misunderstandings and tensions in US-China relations. She also explained that despite Beijing’s misgivings, US support for Taiwan, including arms sales, does not violate the US ‘one China’ policy. Misstatements by US presidents concerning US military support for Taiwan further confuses Beijing.

Larus in other news:

Larus Comments on Cairo News on Pacific Island Leaders Summit
Elizabeth Freund Larus, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at Pacific Forum, commented September 25 on Al Qahera Cairo News on President Biden’s Pacific Islands Leaders Summit. Professor Larus indicated that the meeting is part of an attempt to counter China’s growing influence in the Western Pacific as well as address the harmful effects of climate change on the island economies. Part of this effort is to pledge $40 million for infrastructure development and an additional $200 million over the next decade to address climate change. To increase US presence in the Pacific Islands, Biden announced formal recognition of the Cook Islands and Niue, both freely associated states near New Zealand, and opening or reopening of embassies in Tonga and Solomon Islands. View the interview (in Arabic).

Larus Comments on Egypt News on China Sanctions
Elizabeth Freund Larus, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at Pacific Forum, September 15 offered comments to Egypt’s Al Qaher News on China sanctions against Lockheed Martin and Northrup Grumman. China claims that the firms’ participation in US arms sales to Taiwan violates China’s 2021 Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, which restricts individuals or entities making discriminatory measures against Chinese citizens or entities from doing business in or with China. Professor Larus indicated that US law prohibits arms sales to China, but the two firms still do business with China’s civilian aerospace industry. She also clarified the difference between the US ‘one China policy’ and Beijing’s ‘one China principle.’ She explained that US arms sales to Taiwan do not violate the US one China policy and is consistent with the US 1979 US Taiwan Relations Act (law). Watch the segment.


Larus Comments on WION News About BRICS Summit

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Freund Larus, an adjunct fellow at Pacific Forum, commented to WION News that the expansion of the BRICS club of emerging economies benefits China. Most of the new members are participants of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, who are likely to support China in any initiatives Beijing favors. Larus also stated that Chinese leader Xi Jinping desires to turn the club into an intergovernmental forum able to challenge the G7 group of Western governments. Watch the segment.

Other recent media mentions and professional highlights for Larus include:
  • Larus Comments to BBC Chinese on Arms Transfers to Taiwan: Elizabeth Freund Larus, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at Pacific Forum, commented to BBC Chinese on Biden’s transfer of US military arms to Taiwan using Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA). Professor Larus indicated that providing Taiwan with defensive weapons is consistent with the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, which legally requires the US to help Taiwan defend itself. However, this is the first time that a US president has transferred arms to Taiwan using PDA, allowing the US to pull weapons directly from Department of Defense inventories. Professor Larus claimed that China certainly will retaliate against Taiwan for Biden’s move. August 1, 2023. Read more.
  • Is it time for the US to abandon its one China Policy?: Elizabeth Freund Larus, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs and 2022 Pew Davis Fellow for Peace at Middlebury College, offered the bilingual guest lecture “美國取消一個中國政策的時候到了嗎?” (“Is it time for the US to abandon its one China Policy?”) to faculty and students at the Middlebury College Chinese Language School, August 1, 2023. Professor Larus explained the origins of the policy, taking care to distinguish it from Beijing’s one China principle. The difference between the US policy and China’s principle has been the cause of much confusion and disagreement between the two countries. Professor Larus also explained why it is becoming harder for Washington and Beijing to agree to disagree over the status of Taiwan.

Professor Elizabeth Freund Larus Speaks on PDA Military Transfer to BBC Chinese

Larus Comments on German Media on Taiwan Military Exercises

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Freund Larus, who also is an adjunct fellow at Pacific Forum, commented July 27 to German broadcaster Deutsche Welle on Taiwan’s 2023 Han Kuang military exercise and Wan An drills. Professor Larus indicated that this year’s exercise included air raid drills in which residents were directed to shelters. Despite these attempts at readiness, Taiwan is still unprepared for a military attack from China. Professor Larus also indicated that Chinese fighter jets now regularly cross the unofficial median line in the Taiwan Strait in an attempt to influence the Taiwan 2024 presidential election campaign, which is currently in full swing on the island. Professor Larus’ comments begin at 3 minutes into the program.

Other recent news mentions for Larus include:

Larus Comments on Arabic News on Secretary Yellen’s Visit to Beijing (Asharq Arabic News)
Elizabeth Freund Larus, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at the Pacific Forum, commented to Asharq Arabic news that US business is putting tremendous pressure on the Biden administration to improve relations with China. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is seen as the Cabinet member most favorably disposed to China. Despite her efforts, however, a trade war, tit-for-tat sanctions, investigation of foreign due diligence firms in China, civil-military fusion, and Biden’s reference to Xi Jinping as a dictator, mean that most US businesses will continue to face headwinds in China. Watch the segment.

Larus Discusses Taiwan with German Scholars
Elizabeth Freund Larus, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at Pacific Forum, discussed scenarios for the 2024 Taiwan presidential election at an invitation only roundtable in Munich, Germany on June 15, 2023. Professor Larus and the scholars agreed that the results of the elections, regardless of outcome, will significantly affect US-China relations.

Larus Comments on Al Jazeera on Secretary Yellen’s visit to China

Elizabeth Freund Larus, Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at Pacific Forum, appeared on Al Jazeera’s July 10, 2023 Inside Story news talk program to discuss U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen’s visit to Beijing and US-China relations. Professor Larus stated that US firms are putting tremendous pressure on the Biden administration to foster a stable environment in which to do business with and in China. To repair US-China relations, both Washington and Beijing need to work to manage, rather than solve, irreconcilable differences.


Larus Comments on Indian Prime Minister’s Visit to the U.S.

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Affairs Elizabeth Larus

Elizabeth Freund Larus, Professor Emerita of Politics and International Affairs and Adjunct Fellow at the Pacific Forum, offered commentary to

WION News on Indian Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the U.S. Professor Larus indicated that Modi’s visit had both economic and defense components. After meeting titans of U.S. industry in New York, Modi was treated to a state dinner and addressed a joint session of Congress. The threat of a more aggressive China in the Indo-Pacific is drawing India closer to the U.S. Professor Larus’ comments begin at 17 minutes into the program.
Larus also spoke recently on Modi’s visit to News X for a piece titled “India-U.S. Defence Dynamic Is Strengthening’ | Elizabeth Larus On Bilateral Bid To Counter China.” On the segment, Larus says, “This is Modi’s sixth visit to the United States but it is actually the first time that he going to be treated to a state dinner in Washington.” Watch the segment.