September 12, 2024

Preventing Zoombombing

A message from the Chief Information Officer.

UMW Students, Faculty, and Staff,

If not configured correctly, an unauthorized person may gain access to your Zoom meeting with the intention of disrupting it. These actions, known as Zoombombing, have occurred at many institutions, including UMW. However, there are ways to secure your Zoom meetings to prevent Zoombombing, as well as techniques you can employ to deal with Zoombombing, if it occurs. The Digital Learning Support Department has created a guide to help everyone understand the Zoom security options available by default, ways you can increase security if you choose to do so, and steps to take if you have a Zoombomber in your meeting.

Please review and follow the guide to help ensure the security of your Zoom meetings.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the UMW Help Desk at or 540-654-2255.

Hall Cheshire
Chief Information Officer
University of Mary Washington

Zoom for Faculty and Staff

A message from the Chief Information Officer:

UMW Faculty and Staff,

In response to the COVID pandemic, UMW purchased a limited number of Zoom licenses to support online instruction and teleworking. To better serve our teaching, learning and university operations, UMW has moved from a limited number of Zoom licenses to an enterprise site license.  With the site license, every UMW faculty, staff, and student has access to a Pro-level account.

Students will be notified in a separate email next week on how to access their Zoom accounts.

To access your Zoom account, you can log in at with your UMW NetID and password.

To learn the basics of using Zoom, there are several video tutorials available on the Zoom support site (  Digital Learning Support also has some resources around getting started with Zoom (

If you need assistance installing the Zoom desktop app, please contact the Help Desk (

If faculty need assistance with how to leverage Zoom for instruction, please contact Digital Learning Support (

As part of the conversion to a site license, we will be consolidating all current accounts with a UMW email address, under the enterprise site license.  What happens at that point depends on how your account was created.

  • If you requested/purchased an account through DLS or IT, you will not need to do anything.  Your account should already be under the UMW license.
  • If you purchased your own account and used your UMW email address, you will get a notice that your account will be merged with the UMW license.  You will be given two options for prorated reimbursements.  You should select the option to send the prorated refund to the account used to make the purchase.
  • Any accounts created using a non-UMW email address will not be merged into the UMW license, but you can log in as described above to create a new UMW Zoom account. If you would like to cancel your non-UMW Zoom account, you will need to log into you non-UMW account and cancel it there.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk at 540-654-2255 or

Virginia Ashley Retirement Celebration

After 30+ years at the University of Mary Washington, Virginia Ashley is retiring. Virginia has been a key member of the Information Technology Department for many years and an amazing colleague, adviser, and friend to all who have had the pleasure of working with her.

Please join us at a reception for Virginia, to thank her for her years of service, and wish her well in retirement.

The reception will be held Tuesday, September 24th at 2 p.m. in the Hurley Center Digital Auditorium.

Hall Cheshire: Network News

Hall Cheshire, chief information officer. Photo by Norm Shafer.

Hall Cheshire, chief information officer. Photo by Norm Shafer.

When Hall Cheshire graduated from high school in the 1970s, he set his sights on becoming a jazz guitarist. Though he still dabbles in music today, back then he received some sage advice from his father that made him realize his talents lay in other areas.

“He said, ‘This computer thing seems to be catching on, so maybe you should get into that,’” said Cheshire, who now has over three decades of experience in IT. A desire to work for an organization with a mission he believes in led Cheshire to become the chief information officer for the University of Mary Washington, where he manages not only technology, but also the projects, people and budgets that come with it.

One of his team’s biggest assignments to date – affecting all areas of the University – is migrating faculty and staff emails and SharePoint sites to Office 365. It’s an enormous undertaking, but Cheshire said that most UMW departments have already successfully adopted the new system, and he expects the project to be completed by the end of the year.

“I’m fortunate to work with very smart and talented people in the IT department,” said Cheshire. “My team did a lot of research and testing to prepare for the project. Thanks to their efforts, everything is going smoothly.”


Q: There are lots of bells and whistles with the new system. What’s your favorite?
A: Of all of the applications in the Office 365 ecosystem, I use Planner the most. It’s a basic project management tool that is great for organizing, assigning and managing tasks.

Q: People get possessive about their email and are often resistant to change. What kinds of reactions did you encounter during the migration?
A: Most people just want to know they won’t lose access to their email. We’ve migrated hundreds of email accounts over the past year, and the majority have gone off without a hitch.

Q: What’s the most rewarding part of your profession?
A: Solving problems and adding value. Information technology is an important part of most processes at UMW, and it’s great to be able to contribute to the University’s mission.

Q: What’s the most challenging?
A: Someone once told me that any problem can be solved with enough time, money and people. Unfortunately, I rarely have enough of any of those. It’s a constant challenge to do what needs to be done with limited resources.

Q: What would people be surprised to learn about you?
A: When I was in my 20s, I earned a black belt in a Korean martial art called Hapkido. I haven’t practiced it in decades, but it was a great experience.

Q: What’s your favorite thing in your office?
A: Years ago, I took a watercolor painting class. The only picture I painted that was not a complete disaster is on my desk. It’s a reminder to me that I can occasionally be creative.