September 11, 2024

Volunteers Needed for New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation is coming up in June! We are in need of volunteers for each day of the six sessions to assist with answering questions, parking and directing students and their guests to the right locations. Last year New Student Orientation was a great success because of the UMW faculty and staff who volunteered!

Are you interested in helping? If so, please this online form by Sunday, May 28. Within a week of completing the online form, you will receive an email with a link to sign up for specific shifts. You are welcome to send this information along to any UMW faculty or staff in your department. It’s more fun to volunteer with a friend!

If you have any questions or concerns about signing up, please contact Brittanie Haas at or JoAnna Raucci at Thank you in advance for supporting New Student Orientation!