September 7, 2024

Registration Open for Mindfulness Meditation Course

Are you mind full, or mindful?

Our lives are often overly stimulated and harried. What would happen if we gave ourselves a few minutes each day to stop, and be fully silent and still – to meditate? Research has shown that the practice of mindfulness meditation can lead to a calm and focused mind. Such a practice helps to reduce stress, enhances self-awareness, and offers a greater sense of inner peace and connectedness with life.

UMW faculty and staff are invited to take a 7-week course at the Fredericksburg Campus on Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Leidecker Center for Asian Studies in Trinkle B-39.  The course begins Oct. 3 and meets weekly through Nov. 21. There will be no class on Tuesday, Oct. 17, due to Fall Break.

This course is led by certified instructor Bill Brooks and will answer the basic question: What are we doing when we meditate? Upon completion of this course, you will have the tools and experience needed to continue an independent practice of mindfulness meditation.

The course is $15 and registration is now open! Visit the Campus Recreation Registration Portal to sign up. Simply click “Log In” in the top right corner, then click the blue button that says “Sign in with your NET ID and Password,” and use your regular UMW CAS credentials to log in to your profile.

If you have questions about the Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Course, email