Looking for some ways to stay moving this fall? Campus Rec has something for you!
Faculty/Staff Private Fitness Program Registrations Open Now
That’s right – UMW employees can sign up for Monday/Friday Lunchtime Yoga or Wednesday Yogalates classes with the comfort of knowing you are accompanied only by other UMW employees. These classes are scheduled during the traditional lunch time hour in hopes that many will be able to step away from the office and take advantage of a little brain break. Did you know that just ten minutes of light exercise can boost your mood, productivity, focus, and creativity?
To learn more about faculty/staff fitness programs, visit https://students.umw.edu/campusrec/be-active/fastprograms/
The Fall 2019 Group Fitness Schedule is Live
Consider taking one of the regular Group Fitness Classes this semester. It’s only $10 for the year to attend unlimited classes starting September 2.
To learn more about the fall group fitness schedule, visit https://students.umw.edu/campusrec/be-active/group-fitness-classes/
The Free Week of Fitness Is Coming Up Soon
Not sure if these classes are something you’re ready to spend your hard-earned money on? That’s okay! There will be a free week from August 26-September 1.
If you have questions, please email Brittanie Naff at bhaas@umw.edu or giver her a call at extension 1187.