September 7, 2024

Confidential Document Destruction

Facilities Services will no longer pick up confidential documents for destruction, except for the annual RecycleMania Shred Event. But there are multiple options for disposal of confidential documents. All require a completed RM-3 (document destruction form) that is to be submitted to Ruth Lovelace, Director of Environmental Health & Safety, before confidential materials are destroyed. She will review for compliance and return a copy to you with her signature. Records information and forms may be found at the Library of Virginia website,

Options for destruction:

1- The Copy Center shreds for $4 a box. They do not offer pick-up service.

2 – University contract for document destruction. Departments will absorb this cost. Referencing standard paper size boxes, departments can either have the contractor pick up the boxes/bags of confidential documents or rent a collection container. The pricing for a pick-up is $3.50 per box/bag with a trip fuel surcharge of $44. The rental collection container prices vary based on the size selected: $13 for console, $18.50 for 65 gallons, and $23 for 95 gallons. It may be possible to coordinate the container drop-off and pick-up with other schedules on campus; this could allow the trip surcharge to be shared. Contact Anika Wilson,, for information on use of the contract.

3- Annual RecycleMania Shred Event

Landscape & Grounds Adopt-A-Pot

Lonely Pots up for adoption, plant material will vary.

Lonely Pots up for adoption, plant material will vary.

It is your lucky day! UMW Landscape & Grounds has a surplus of annual plants. Policy prevents us from giving them away but there is no policy against adoption.

How it will work? L & G will put together annuals in decorative pots, faculty and staff can then adopt one or a pair of pots to be placed outside on the Fredericksburg Campus and maintained by the adopter.

L & G maintains the right to: remove pots that have not thrived, award adoptions that spread pots across campus (not at just one building), match pots to the environment, decide to award singular or paired pots depending on the location.

Pots will come with a watering can and access to water at the closest spigot.

Submit an adoption request to Joni Wilson at, include your name, contact information and suggested location. Submissions will be accepted until June 19 or pots run out. Awards will be made on a first come first serve basis and at the sole discretion of the Director of Landscape and Grounds.