July 26, 2024

Mellinger Publishes Research Article

Keith Mellinger, professor of mathematics and director of the Quality Enhancement Plan, saw his co-authored article Small Kakeya Sets in non-prime order planes appear in the July 2015 issue of the European Journal of Combinatorics.

Keith Mellinger Publishes Research

Dr. Keith E. Mellinger, Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, saw his article Minimal Kakeya Sets appear in the Journal of Combinatorial Designs. The article was co-authored with former student Kelly Scott ’12 who worked on the project as part of her undergraduate honors project.

Keith Mellinger Publishes Research Article

Keith Mellinger, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Mathematics, recently saw his co-authored research article Embedding cycles in finite planes published in the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.  The article addresses graph cycles in planes, a topic that has been connected to certain soft-decision decoding algorithms for error-correcting codes.

Leo Lee Presents at US-Korea Conference

Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Jangwoon “Leo” Lee, recently presented “Domain Decomposition Methods for Solving Stochastic PDEs” at the annual US-Korea Conference (UKC 2013) in New Jersey.  In addition to attending many research talks at the conference, Dr. Lee chaired an applied mathematics session.

Keith Mellinger Presents at Meetings

Mellinger, Keith10Keith Mellinger, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Mathematics, recently traveled to two conferences to present various results of his research.  First, was the 2nd Annual Conference for the Exchange of Mathematical Ideas, a conference he helped to organize, held at the University of Northern Iowa.  There he spoke about Blocking Semiovals and Their Applications to Cryptography.  He also traveled to London, England, for the 24th British Combinatorial Conference where he delivered the presentation titled Minimal Kakeya Sets.