Chemistry Physics Chair and Professor Janet Asper works with several students.
Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Physics Janet Asper was recently chosen as the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award by the VA Section of the American Chemical Society. She was nominated by a longstanding member, Jim Beck, who said the following:
Janet Asper joined the American Chemical Society in 1995 and has served as a member of the Executive Committee for the Virginia Section for 12+ years. She served as Chair of the Younger Chemists Committee from 2007 through 2011 and as an Alternate Councilor from 2011 through 2019. She is now a Virginia Section Councilor. She has arranged numerous meetings of the Section at the University of Mary Washington (UMW), and has been an outstanding ambassador for the ACS at UMW, encouraging and facilitating student participation in local, section, regional, and national meetings and activities.