July 26, 2024

Asper Receives Distinguished Service Award from VA Section of American Chemical Society

Chemistry Physics Chair and Professor Janet Asper works with several students.

Chemistry Physics Chair and Professor Janet Asper works with several students.

Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Physics Janet Asper was recently chosen as the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award by the VA Section of the American Chemical Society. She was nominated by a longstanding member, Jim Beck, who said the following:

Janet Asper joined the American Chemical Society in 1995 and has served as a member of the Executive Committee for the Virginia Section for 12+ years. She served as Chair of the Younger Chemists Committee from 2007 through 2011 and as an Alternate Councilor from 2011 through 2019. She is now a Virginia Section Councilor. She has arranged numerous meetings of the Section at the University of Mary Washington (UMW), and has been an outstanding ambassador for the ACS at UMW, encouraging and facilitating student participation in local, section, regional, and national meetings and activities.

Janet Asper: In Her Element

Department of Chemistry Chair and Professor Janet Asper

Department of Chemistry Chair and Professor Janet Asper

When Janet Asper took over as chair of UMW’s Department of Chemistry earlier this year, she knew she’d have a big job. What she didn’t expect was the onslaught of emails.

“As a professor, I could catch up on email in 10 minutes,” said Asper, who earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh and bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and zoology from Ohio University. “Now, it takes me an hour to work through all my correspondence.”

Screen-time has increased for everyone during the pandemic, said Asper, admitting that video games have kept her three children occupied while she navigates her new role and readies herself and her colleagues to teach courses both online and in the classroom this fall.

But for future scientists and educators, hands-on learning is particularly important, Asper said. That’s why she and her fellow faculty members are figuring out ways to maximize opportunities for students to work in the state-of-the-art labs in the recently renovated Jepson Science Center, while still observing social distancing measures.

“We’ve enjoyed discussing which lab skills are the most critical to teach,” she said, “as well as coming up with remote lab activities students can do from their residence halls or homes.”

As UMW prepares to resume classes next month, Asper is looking to the wisdom she received from Professor Emeritus Charlie Sharpless, with whom she worked for over a decade, and Leanna Giancarlo, who served as chair from 2009-2015, and as interim chair before Asper stepped into the role.

“Leanna taught me the value of transparency and overcommunication,” Asper said. “Charlie encouraged me to take time and think things through when responding to important questions.”


Chemistry Chair and Professor Janet Asper helps several students during a previous semester. She and her colleagues are coming up with ways for students to do the hands-on learning that is critical to the sciences, while also observing social distancing measures.

Chemistry Chair and Professor Janet Asper helps several students during a previous semester. She and her colleagues are coming up with ways for students to do the hands-on learning that is critical to the sciences, while also observing social distancing measures.

Q: What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
A: The students, of course! I love when our alumni tell us that the skills we taught them helped them get a job or earn a promotion.

Q: The most challenging?
A: Channeling my enthusiasm and crazy ideas, and making sure I’m listening to everyone involved so I can see the bigger picture.

Q: What do you miss most about being on the Mary Washington campus?
A: I’ve actually been going to UMW once a week to maintain my equipment and work in my office for a few hours. I miss my colleagues, my students and getting to work in the lab with my equipment.

Q: Have there been any silver linings to this COVID cloud?
A: Getting to spend so much time with my family.

Q: What would people be surprised to learn about you?
A: A lot of people do know this, but I’m adopted, and I found my biological family in 2015 when Ohio changed the law allowing adult adoptees to request their original birth certificates.

Q: What’s your motto?
A: Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.


Charlie Sharpless Bio

Professor Emeritus Charlie Sharpless (back row, second from right) with his colleagues and students. Sharpless retired from UMW earlier this spring.

Professor Emeritus Charlie Sharpless (back row, second from right) with his colleagues and students. Sharpless retired from UMW earlier this spring.

The Department of Chemistry this spring said farewell to former Chair and Professor of Chemistry Charlie Sharpless after 16 years of teaching, student mentoring, research and leadership at Mary Washington.

Sharpless arrived in fall 2004 as an assistant professor, bringing his expertise in environmental photochemistry and a commitment to involving students in research projects.

Over the years he engaged and challenged students to think critically, develop strong study skills and learn independently, Professor of Chemistry Kelli Slunt ’91 said in a faculty tribute. Sharpless implemented changes to the capstone senior seminar course to improve student understanding of chemical literature and help them better present their research topics.

He played a big role in the renovation and expansion of the Jepson Science Center, working with architects to design the chemistry space and also negotiating appropriate space for other science disciplines. In his last few years at UMW, Sharpless not only chaired the Chemistry Department but took on oversight of the Physics Department as well.

“Charlie’s leadership will leave an indelible mark on our department,” Slunt stated.

Sharpless earned a bachelor’s degree in the natural sciences at Johns Hopkins University and a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Duke University. There he held a postdoctoral position before coming to Mary Washington. – Laura Moyer, editor, University of Mary Washington Magazine

UMW Faculty Teach “Chemistry in the Kitchen”

Join us online for virtual programming from UMW Alumni and UMW’s chemistry faculty

UMW chemistry professors will present “Chemistry in the Kitchen” in three Lunchtime Learning sessions. These sessions will feature chemistry experiments that you can do yourself at home in your kitchen. Watch and enjoy, or conduct your own experiments along with us–we will send a supply list ahead of time so you can join in, if desired.

Each session will focus on a different topic:

Tuesday: Intermolecular Interactions with Dr. Leanna Giancarlo

Wednesday: Polymers with Dr. Kelli Slunt

Thursday: Sustainability with Dr. Janet Asper

Tuesday-Thursday, June 2-4

12:00-1:00 p.m. each day


These experiments are designed for children in fourth-eighth grades, but likely will be entertaining for children outside that range as well.

Join us for one, two, or all three sessions–just pick which you want in the registration form. After you register, you will receive a confirmation email that includes a link to the Zoom sessions. You also will be sent a supply list in advance of the program.

We look forward to seeing you online!

Sharpless Receives Distinguished Research Award

Charlie Sharpless had a problem to solve. He was finishing his post-doctoral fellowship and wasn’t quite sure where to go next. He loved teaching and conducting research, but there were few positions at large research universities where he could mix these two elements. But with the University of Mary Washington, he found the perfect chemistry. As a professor and chair of the Department of Chemistry, Sharpless combines equal parts teaching, advising and research to make new discoveries in environmental chemistry and educate the next generation of scientists and industry leaders. Now he is being honored with the Distinguished Research Award by the Virginia section of the American Chemical Society at its annual award ceremony in Richmond this evening, on Thursday, March 21. Read more.  

Janet Asper to Collaborate with NSWC

Janet Asper has been selected as Summer Fellow at the 2013 Office of Naval Research Summer Faculty Research Program.  She will be conducting her summer research at the laboratories at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren.


Nicole Crowder Presents Research and Innovative Pedagogy

K. Nicole Crowder presented an invited talk and a poster at the 254th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Symposium in New Orleans, LA.Her invited talk “Tethered catalysts: Self-assembled monolayers of phosphonates as a platform for heterogeneous catalysis,” was presented to a full room in the Inorganic Chemistry Division.  She presented a poster entitled “Back to grad school with IONiC/VIPEr: Collaborative development of primary literature based learning objects in a workshop setting” was presented in the Inorganic Chemistry Division and was selected for presentation at the prestigious SciMix poster session.  Additionally, her research was featured on two posters that were presented by her student collaborators.  Eric Johnson (UMW 2014) presented “Modifying copper surfaces with azide-terminated phosphonic acids: A platform for surface functionalization via click chemistry,” and Karmel James (UMW 2013) presented “Modification of bipyridine ligands for the development of a tethered carbon dioxide reduction catalyst.”

You can view Dr. Crowder’s abstracts at
