September 7, 2024

New This Year! Pre-Order a Devil-Goat Day Shirt!

Order your shirt for Devil-Goat Day 2020 today!

Do you want to be part of the fun? Do you want to support one of the longest standing traditions on campus? Pre-order this year’s Devil-Goat Day Shirt TODAY! New this year, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to pre-order Devil-Goat Day shirts prior to the event. Receive your shirt before the big day and wear your shirt to advertise the event and show that you’re the “cool” faculty and/or staff! Please fill out the preorder form for yourself or your office to guarantee reserved shirts by March 1st. Price per shirt is $2. Payment will be accepted the week of April 13th location and time TBD, a reminder will be sent out to make sure you receive your shirt. PLEASE NOTE: Staff and faculty will no longer be able to receive more than one shirt on the day of the event and must wait in line to receive a shirt if they do not preorder. Email senior class president Ellie Kilmon, with questions.

Preorder Link