September 13, 2024

Is the MBA worth it? Financial Survey-And Results (Fuentitech)

Marsh Shares Thoughts on MBA on

In a piece, Associate Professor of Business John Marsh was asked his opinion on how a Master of Business Administration degree continues to be a benefit to today’s jobseekers.

John Marsh, an associate professor of business at the University of Mary Washington, said some people choose to earn an MBA early in their careers. It’s easier to manage when you’re young. Some people find that the MBA puts them in a better position for career advancement.

“Others help to stand out from other applicants, so we pursue it,” continued Marsh. “Yes, in a sense, revenue potential is certainly a major consideration for most people looking to get an MBA.” Read more. 

Business Faculty Publish Article in Management Decision

Rachel Graefe-Anderson and John Marsh, both assistant professors in the College of Business, have published the article “Cashing-In: Understanding Post-Acquisition CEO Stock Option Exercise” in the journal Management Decision.


Dr. Graefe-Anderson


Dr. Marsh