The Staff Advisory Council and Human Resources is pleased to invite you to:
12 Days of Employee Appreciation
A few Highlights:
11/01/2020 – 12/04/2020 – 20% off at the Book Store
11/01/2020 – 12/04/2020 – Daily Gift Card Drawings
February 8, 2025
A Newsletter for UMW Faculty and Staff
by Guest Author
The Staff Advisory Council and Human Resources is pleased to invite you to:
12 Days of Employee Appreciation
A few Highlights:
11/01/2020 – 12/04/2020 – 20% off at the Book Store
11/01/2020 – 12/04/2020 – Daily Gift Card Drawings
by jlaiacon
Want to quit smoking? The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and Quit & Stay Quit Monday (QSQM) are partnering on a 12-week “Quit & Stay Quit Monday” promotion campaign for employees.
UMW will be participating in the campaign. The Campaign kicks off on Monday, August 19th! For more information, see Join the Mondays quitter movement!
The goals of the campaign are to:
Resources to help you quit smoking:
Informational Videos
Don’t forget about the OnTheSquareVA program that was announced in May from the Governor’s office.
The Program includes a series of events designed to get us up and moving and enjoying Capitol Square. You can find more information, including a calendar of events, at
Some upcoming events include:
• The first Governor’s Capitol Classic Car Show, Sept. 15
• The Governor’s Race 5K and First Lady’s Kids Run, Sept. 23.
• The OnTheSquareVA Fishing Challenge, Oct. 8 at Claytor Lake State Park
by Erika Spivey
Pauline Jenkins was mistakenly left off of the Charles Coleman Service Award Nominee list that was announced during the Employee Fall Luncheon on Tuesday.
Pauline’s Champion was Rosemary Arneson.
“Pauline takes care of all of us in the library, and she works hard to maintain a good relationship with people across campus. By showing that she is willing to meet people halfway, I think Pauline is able to get issues resolved quickly and effectively. She takes the time to listen to people’s concerns, and she is quick to offer an encouraging word. Pauline has a great sense of humor, and she always seems to know when a good laugh is needed.”
Darnel Smith and Zafeer Mobashar were both nominated for the Richard V. Hurley and Rosemary A. Hurley Presidential Commendation Award and not the Coleman Service Award as announced during the luncheon.
by Erika Spivey
The Annual Employee Fall Luncheon is almost here! Save the Date.
When: Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016
Starts at: 11:30 am
Where: Chandler Ballroom (University Center)
More information to follow.
All UMW staff are invited to the University Center on Tuesday, Oct. 13 from 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. for the Fall Employee Luncheon. Come hear what is new on campus, win fabulous prizes purchased from the Bookstore and prizes donated by The Department of Theatre and Dance, UMW Philharmonic Orchestra, The President’s Office, James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library and Kalnen Inn. Representatives from CVC, Commonhealth, NY Life and Washington National will be available in the lobby at 1 p.m. for questions.
If you have questions or need accommodations please contact Jennifer Cooper ( or Terri Arthur (