Warren Rochelle, Professor of English and current coordinator of the creative writing program, recently had his story “Mirrors” published in Once Upon a Green Rose, edited by Michon Neal and released from Cuil Press.
Rochelle Discusses Literary Adaptations on the Small Screen
Professor of English Warren Rochelle was interviewed by Meaww.com for an article titled “Book adaptations are taking over the small screen, including ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, ‘His Dark Materials’, ‘Good Omens’ and more.” Rochelle delved into the differences between the movie and television series “His Dark Materials,” which will be released by BBC and HBO later this year. “That there is a series being released, and not another movie, is a good start for learning from the mistakes in the 2007 film,” Rochelle said. “Pullman’s world is complex and layered and dense and a series allows for this to be really explored.”
Book adaptations are taking over the small screen, including ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, ‘His Dark Materials’, ‘Good Omens’ and more (meaww.com)
Rochelle Interviewed on Fantasy Literature Blog
Professor of English Warren Rochelle was interviewed on Andrew Q. Gordon’s “The Land of Make Believe,” a blog that focuses on fantasy literature featuring LGBTQ+ characters. Rochelle discussed his writing process, building worlds that intersect the magical and mundane, fantasy writers who inspire him, how real-world places in Virginia and North Carolina are featured in his work and more. Read more.
The Land of Make Believe (andrewgordon.com)
Rochelle’s Story Chosen for Inclusion in Anthology
Professor of English Warren Rochelle’s story “Mirrors,” a gay-themed retelling of “Beauty and the Beast,” was accepted by Cuilpress and will be published in their forthcoming queering romance anthology So You Think You Know Love?.
Rochelle Presents at Popular Culture Association
Warren Rochelle recently gave a reading from, and a presentation on, his novel, The Werewolf and His Boy, at the Popular Culture Association conference in San Diego.
Rochelle Reads from Latest Novel, Teaches Seminar on Horror Writing
Warren Rochelle, Professor of English, gave a reading from his latest novel, The Werewolf and His Boy, published in October, and participated in a literary salon about the novel at the WriterHouse in Charlottesville on Saturday, Oct. 29. He also taught a seminar on horror writing prior to the reading and salon.