July 26, 2024

UMW Music Well Represented at Root Signals Electronic Music Festival

Facets of Love JUThe University of Mary Washington was represented by Department of Music faculty, students and alumni at the 2015 Root Signals Electronic Music Festival at Jacksonville University in Jacksonville Florida. Root Signals is sponsored by the Division of Music at Jacksonville University, and the Department of Music at Georgia Southern University and featured guest percussionist Tony Steve for the three-day festival of electronic music and media art.

Mark Snyder, Assistant Professor of Music, performed his song cycle Facets of Love to close the festival on Saturday, September 12th. The performance featured Paige Naylor ’14: soprano, Becky Brown ’15: harp, Mark Snyder ’97: guitar, piano, synthesizer & electronics. The poems for Facets of Love were penned by Jeanine Casler, a faculty fellow at Hobart, Northwestern’s Women’s Residential College and the video was created by Anna Weisling, the Music Technology Specialist at The Juilliard School in New York. The first movement can be viewed below:

Junior Music major Austin O’Rourke performed his composition Hazel Colored Nebula during the Emerging Composers Concert on Thursday night, September 10th. His performance of this piece on UMW’s 2015 Undergraduate Research and Creativity Day can be viewed below:


Becky Brown (UMW Music graduate 2015) performed her multimedia self-portrait composed during her spring 2015 independent study, Hold Still for pencil, copper, and Arduino on paper, poetry and video in Max/MSP/Jitter on the Saturday September 12th afternoon concert. Her performance of this piece on UMW’s 2015 Undergraduate Research and Creativity Day can be viewed below:

Stephen Hennessey (UMW Music graduate 2014) performed his work for processed guitar and electronics composed during his spring 2014 independent study, Ausgang during the Emerging Composers Concert. His performance of this piece on September 9,2014 can be heard below:

Separation Anxiety (The Health Journals.Com) (Anand Rao)

UMW Awards Top Honors at Commencement Ceremonies

The University of Mary Washington presented its top honors during commencement ceremonies Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11. Courtney A. Lynn of Virginia Beach received the Colgate W. Darden Jr. Award, which is presented to the student with the highest grade-point average (GPA) in the four-year undergraduate program. She finished with a 3.99 GPA. Joella Killian, professor of biology in the College of Arts and Sciences, was presented the Grellet C. Simpson Award, the institution’s most prestigious annual award for excellence in undergraduate teaching. The recipient is routinely a senior member of the faculty. Melanie D. Szulczewski, assistant professor of environmental science in the College of Arts and Sciences, received the UMW Alumni Association Outstanding Young Faculty Member Award, which is presented annually to an exceptional member of the faculty who has served the institution for at least two years but no more than five years. Daniel J. Hubbard, associate professor in the Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems in the College of Business, received the Mary W. Pinschmidt Award. The winner is selected by the graduating class as the faculty member “whom they will most likely remember as the one who had the greatest impact on their lives.”

Louis A. Martinette, associate professor in the Department of Management and Marketing in the College of Business, was recognized with the Graduate Faculty Award. The honor recognizes an exceptional full-time faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in graduate teaching and professional leadership in a graduate program. The person selected must have served in a full-time position at the university for at least two years.

Courtney Lynn

Lynn is a psychology major who received a Bachelor of Science degree. A statistics tutor for two years, the Department of Psychology named her as the department’s outstanding senior. She has served as co-president of UMW’s chapter of Psi Chi, the international psychology society. Lynn has been named to the President’s List for six semesters and is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board national honor societies that recognize students for scholarship, leadership and service. Her research on children’s stress culminated in an honors thesis titled, “The Effect of Physical Activity on the Heart Rate Recovery of Children Under Stress.”  This fall, she will enter the Ph.D. program in School Psychology at the University of South Florida.

Joella Killian

Killian has taught at UMW for 29 years, joining the faculty in 1984. Students admire her for the thoughtful and tireless ways she approaches teaching. They view Killian as a role model and mentor. “They freely share their academic and personal challenges with her and actively seek her advice and support,” Interim Provost Ian Newbould said.  “The many long-lasting relationships she maintains with her former students serve as testimony to the positive impact she has had on them.” Killian earned a doctorate in entomology from North Carolina State University and a master’s degree in biology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She received a bachelor’s degree in zoology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A member of the Entomological Society of America and the scientific research society Sigma Xi, she is an expert in tree fruit entomology.

Melanie Szulczewski

A member of the faculty for the past five years, Szulczewski is recognized for her interactive ways of engaging students and her innovative teaching methods. “She works at helping students understand the complex scientific phenomena involved in the subjects she teaches,” Newbould said.  “Students praise her as energetic, passionate and enthusiastic.” Szulczewski spearheaded groundbreaking programs for the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, including a global inquiry course, the department’s first fully online course; its first field study course to be offered outside of Virginia and its first international course. She also initiated the development of the interdisciplinary environmental sustainability minor, a pioneering program that brings together courses from eight different departments.  In just two years, the minor has more than 35 students from 16 different majors. Szulczewski earned both a doctorate and a master’s degree in soil science from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and French literature from Cornell University.  An authoritative source on environmental issues, climate change and solar cooking, Szulczewski has presented her research at conferences such as the American Chemical Society, the Soil Science Society of America and the International Solid Waste Technology and Management Conference.

Louis Martinette

A member of the UMW faculty since 2004, Martinette is an exemplary teacher who is well-respected by his students and colleagues, according to Newbould.  Martinette earned a doctorate in business administration from Nova Southeastern University, a master’s degree from Golden Gate University, and a bachelor’s degree from Old Dominion University. Before coming to UMW, he had an extensive career in the private sector. Martinette founded and served as president for 12 years of a marketing and consulting company that developed strategic business plans for major corporations, including Chesapeake Forest Products Company and Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates. He also served as vice president of marketing of MicroMagnetic, a major distributor of computer supplies and accessories, and worked as a marketing manager for the 3M Company. His business experience provided him practical insights that he imparts to his students, Newbould said. Under his guidance, his MBA students helped a business leader develop a strategic plan for the next stage of his firm’s growth.       “Students saw firsthand how the task of developing a marketing strategy requires keen awareness of numerous market factors and sound, critical thinking,” Newbould said. Martinette has received professional awards, including the Silver Patrick Henry Medallion for Patriotic Achievement from the Military Order of the World Wars, an Outstanding Service Award from Averett University and the Associate Service Award from the Home Builders Association of Richmond. He is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Global Management Studies, and he is a member of Alpha Kappa Psi professional business fraternity and the American Marketing Association.

Daniel Hubbard

Hubbard is a registered certified public accountant who received a doctorate in accounting from Virginia Tech. He earned an A.B. from Georgia State University, a master’s from Middlebury College and a bachelor’s degree from Georgia Institute of Technology. Student Government Association Treasurer Amanda Buckner, who presented the award, described Hubbard as a role model and guiding light to students.  “His door is always open and a warm smile is always waiting,” Buckner said.  “One student said ‘he has helped me immensely through college and the hardships I endured. Without his help I would not have been able to do the things I did in college.’” His popularity also is apparent by his inclusion in the Princeton Review’s 2012 list of “Best 300 Professors.” The publication, which featured seven UMW professors, recognized 300 challenging and inspiring teaching faculty from 122 public and private colleges.

UMW Students Receive Awards of Excellence

University of Mary Washington students were honored for outstanding achievements at recent awards programs.

Jennifer A. Crystle received the UMW Alumni Award for demonstrating an outstanding combination of academic excellence, leadership and service to the university and Departmental Honors in English.

Kandra V. Selby received the Fredericksburg Kiwanis Award.

Ryan J. Hayes received the Alumni Association Bachelor of Liberal Studies Distinguished Graduate Award for academic excellence and citizenship, the Ann Elizabeth Fitschen Memorial Political Science Award and Departmental Honors in Political Science.

Kate Miceli received the Clara Boyd Wheeler Award for a graduating senior who exemplifies grace, a spirit of service and the ability to change lives.

Casey Dodrill received the Elizabeth M. Baumgarten Leadership Award for outstanding service to the university and community.

Lisa Charney was named Female Athlete of the Year.


Department Awards

            Cheryl J. Elliott, Ann Elizabeth Collins Award;

The graduates were among 1275 honored in ceremonies May 10-11.

Hannah E. Ridenour, Art History Award for Outstanding Research and Departmental Honors in Art History;

Rachael Juhan, Melchers Gray Purchase Award;

Michael A. Carlo, William A. Castle Award for the Outstanding Biology Major and Departmental Honors in Biology;

Patrick R. Marek, Outstanding Senior in Business Administration Award and Departmental Honors in Economics;

James K. Snyder, Outstanding Senior in Professional Studies Award;

Alexandra M. Wolfson, Patricia L. Metzger Award;

Allison M. Leninger, American Institute of Chemists Award;

Mae A. Carpenter, American Chemical Society Outstanding Chemistry Major;

Hallie Deanna Midorin Feingold, Laura V. Sumner Award in Classics, Outstanding Graduate in Classics and Departmental Honors in Classics;

Devin S. LaMoy, Outstanding Graduate in Greek;

Katherine L. Casey, Outstanding Graduate in Religion and Departmental Honors in Religion;

Joseph S. Langenberg-Mason, Barbara Leigh Gregg Prize in Greek and Departmental Honors in Classics;

Nicole L. Cochran, Henry W. Hewetson Economics Award and Departmental Honors in Economics;

Ana R. Bice, Harold Thompson Straw Award in Geography;

Katherine S. Gibson, Grace Wadsworth Award in Historic Preservation;

Leslie A. Bird, Historic Preservation Achievement Award;

Alexandra U. Crowder, Governor Alexander Spotswood Award in Historic Archaeology;

Susanna R. Parmelee, Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. Award in Honor of Prince B. Woodard;

Carly K. Boucher, Phi Alpha Theta Award for Highest GPA in History and Departmental Honors in History;

Samantha M. Corron, Glen R. Thomas Award for Highest GPA in American Studies;

Jeremy S. Thompson, Willie Lee Rose Award for Academic Excellence in History and American Studies;

Kathryn E. Dillinger, Oscar Schultz Award in Mathematics and Departmental Honors in Mathematics;

Chelsea A. Thomas, Anne and Sidney Hamer Music Award;

Katherine E. Preseren, Mu Phi Epsilon Sterling Achievement Award in Music;

Zachary C. Fichter, Outstanding Senior Award in Music;

Darren M. Getts, Physics Faculty Award and Departmental Honors in Physics;

William S. Kyle, Ann Elizabeth Fitschen Memorial Political Science Award and Departmental Honors in International Affairs;

Courtney Lynn, Outstanding Senior Psychology Major Award and Departmental Honors in Psychology;

Bess B. Ten Eyck, Robert E. Ingham Award in Theatre and Departmental Honors in Theatre;

Tracy A. Frelk, Ruby York Weinbrecht Award for Outstanding Senior Library Assistant.

Graduate Business Awards

            Balvant P. Arora, Outstanding Master of Business Administration Student Award;

Wallace E. Burrus, Outstanding Master of Science in Management Information Systems Student Award;

Erin M. Brooks, Outstanding Master of Business Administration- Master of Science in Management Information Systems Student Award.


Graduate Education Awards

            Michaela D. Sands, Barbara Bishop Mann ’66 Virginia Educator Award;

Nina Passmore and Sarah Duffy, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Virginia Scholars Awards;

Dana Cazen, Outstanding Master of Education Student Award.


Departmental Honors

            Maria K. Galuszka, Anne R. Grasselli, Sierra D. Martin and Chelsea L. Neal, Departmental Honors in Art History;

Ryan S. Green, Abigail A. Kimmitt and Margaret F. Walker, Departmental Honors in Biology;

Robert F. Higgins, Departmental Honors in Chemistry;

Bethany M. Akers, Kevin M. Cherniawski, Osatohanmwen I. Guobadia and Jessica N. White, Departmental Honors in Computer Science;

Laura A. Dick and Christopher M. Rieve, Departmental Honors in Economics;

Rita E. Daniel, Kathleen D. Nelson and Amanda K. Wikle, Departmental Honors in English;

Elyse V. Clark, Departmental Honors in Environmental Science;

Amanda L. Parker, Departmental Honors in Geology;

Kaitlin C. Smart, Ryan C. Thompson, Rachel E. Underwood, Matthew I. Winstanley and Susi W. Woofter, Departmental Honors in German;

Anna K. Holman, Mary E. Moody and Brooke N. Parker, Departmental Honors in History;

Kelly M. Brown and Peter H. Slattery, Departmental Honors in Mathematics;

Erin M. Hill, Departmental Honors in Political Science;

Kristin A. Lamb and Paola A. Maldonado-Torres, Departmental Honors in Religion;

Ylbania Diloné Johnson, Paige E. Kaufman and Carley A. McCready, Departmental Honors in Spanish;

Mattson C. Fields, Departmental Honors in Studio Art.

Students Presented Work at Research and Creativity Day

Students at the University of Mary Washington gave more than 100 research presentations during the annual Undergraduate Student Research and Creativity Day on Friday, April 26. The event celebrated excellence in undergraduate student research by giving students the opportunity to share their work with faculty, their peers and the public. The presentations represented various disciplines, including the arts, humanities, history, mathematics, sciences and social sciences. “I’m so interested in classics and I enjoyed seeing other people get excited about it too,” said sophomore Carly Tarne, who attended a presentation of classics majors’ senior theses. Topics ranged from environmentally friendly packing peanuts and fictional stories, to the effects of stress and a sustainable analysis for expanding UMW. “It’s the seventh year and each year it’s been growing in participants,” said Grant Woodwell, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. “We hope the growing trend continues.” Students presented their work in the form of oral presentations, poster sessions, art exhibits and music and dance performances. “One of the best things was to see people’s reactions. They were involved and asked a lot of questions,” said freshman Yireda Jilili, who presented with classmates as part of her freshmen seminar course. “I definitely want to participate again.” Student Research and Creativity Day is funded by the Class of 1959 Endowment.

UMW Raises Funds for Marathon Victims

The run at the University of Mary Washington’s Battleground Athletic Complex Saturday morning started as the final exam for the 22 runners in Corey Hewson’s half-marathon training class. It evolved into more than 250 members of UMW and the area community joining in a Run for Boston.  So far the group has raised nearly $1,000 for The One Fund to support victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. Excitement permeated onlookers, who formed a human chain as they cheered the runners at the starting line. After members of the class got a running start, the mass of participants, most of them donning Run-for-Boston T-shirts, followed sprinting behind them along the 3 1/2-mile route. “This was the first race many of the members of my class have ever participated in,” said Hewson, coach of the UMW women’s soccer team who helped organize the Run for Boston. Hewson created the training class to encourage students of any experience level to adopt a healthy lifestyle through running. “The smiles on all of their faces will be etched in my heart for a long time,” Hewson said. “I have participated in and have been a spectator in some of the bigger road races in the country – this by far was one of the more unique and special starts I have ever seen.” That enthusiasm will be hard to beat when the class takes on its ultimate challenge ­– the Marine Corps Half-Marathon– on May 19 in Fredericksburg. A limited supply of “Run for Boston” T-shirts is available for purchase, with proceeds donated to The One Fund. Medium and large sizes are $10 for adults, $5 for students. Contact Corey Hewson at (540) 654-1871.

Barbara Bishop Mann ’66 to Serve as Educator-in-Residence, 5/1

Barbara Bishop Mann ’66 will share her insights from more than three decades as an educator and activist during the University of Mary Washington’s third annual College of Education Educator-in-Residence event on Wednesday, May 1. The lecture will begin at 6 p.m. at the North Building of UMW’s Stafford campus. Prior to the lecture, graduating students from the College of Education will present their research projects from 1 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Mann’s lecture will be followed by recognition of the College of Education graduates at 6:30 p.m. and a reception at 7 p.m. The lecture, presentations and reception are free and open to the public. Mann retired from Chesterfield County Public Schools in 2003, after 35 years as an elementary school teacher. She served on the Virginia Education Association (VEA) Board of Directors for 12 years and as president of the Chesterfield Education Association (CEA). Mann remains active in the VEA Retired Council, the CEA Board of Directors and the local chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. An active member of the UMW alumni community, Mann has served on the UMW Alumni Association Board and its Executive Committee. She is a member of the College of Education’s first Advisory Board and is a supporter of UMW education students through two endowed scholarship funds. Mann received a bachelor’s in history from Mary Washington and a master’s in elementary education from Old Dominion University. For a full schedule of student presentations, visit http://education.umw.edu/wp-content/blogs.dir/81/files/2013/04/Grad_Pres_Sched.pdf.

Students Present at Annual Research and Creativity Day

The University of Mary Washington presented its seventh annual Undergraduate Student Research and Creativity Day on Friday, April 26. The event celebrates excellence in undergraduate student research by giving students the opportunity to share their work with faculty, their peers and the public.

UMW’s Research and Creativity Day showcases the work of more than 100 students.

The day consisted of more than 100 presentations representing various disciplines, including the arts, humanities, history, mathematics, sciences and social sciences. Presentation topics ranged from environmentally friendly packing peanuts and fictional stories, to the role of women in politics and Napoleon Bonaparte.

Students gave oral presentations from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. in Woodard Campus Center. Poster session presentations were held in the center’s Great Hall from noon to 12:45 p.m., with original music performances from 12:45 to 1:25 p.m. Art exhibits and presentations were held throughout the day in Melchers Hall, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Student Research and Creativity Day is funded by the Class of 1959 Endowment. A full schedule of presentation sessions and performances is available online. For more information, contact Grant Woodwell, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, at gwoodwel@umw.edu.

James Monroe Museum Endorses Healthy Living

The James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library joined First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move! Museums and Gardens” initiative to fight against child obesity. The museum will offer drop-in yoga classes in its garden on Saturday mornings in May and June.

The James Monroe Museum will hold yoga classes in its garden as part of the “Let’s Move!” Initiative. Photo courtesy of Lee Brauer.

The James Monroe Museum is the first Fredericksburg-area museum to join the initiative. Classes will be held from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. on May 11, 18 and 25 and on June 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 for $12 per class.

More than 614 institutions in all 50 states and the District of Columbia have joined the initiative, and an estimated 17,500 museums in the U.S. have collectively hosted 850 million visits each year. First Lady Obama launched the initiative in 2011 to stress the importance of healthy eating habits and regular physical activity.

For more information, please visit www.jamesmonroemuseum.org or http://www.imls.gov/about/letsmove.aspx.

The James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library is a National Historic Landmark owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia and administered by the University of Mary Washington. Founded in 1927, it is the nation’s largest repository of artifacts and documents related to the fifth President of the United States. For hours of operation, directions, and other information, call (540) 654-1043, or visit www.jamesmonroemuseum.org.

UMW Supports Campus Sustainability Through Donation Drive

The University of Mary Washington is co-sponsoring a campus sustainability event to encourage faculty, staff and students to donate old or unwanted clothing and household items. “Drop N’ Go!” a collaboration with the Rappahannock Goodwill Industries (RGI), began Thursday, April 25 and will continue through Saturday, May 4.

UMW will collect clothes and household items from residence halls in its “Drop N’ Go!” donation drive.

“Our goal is to get students to understand the concepts of reduce, reuse and recycle,” said Joni Wilson, UMW’s director of landscape and grounds.

Bins for the donations will be provided in all residence hall lobbies, Seacobeck Hall, the Fitness Center, Facilities Services and in Lee Hall.

“We’ve done something similar in past years,” said Chris Porter, director of residence life and commuter student services. “But this is the first time we’ve approached the program as partners to increase the likelihood of success.”

Rappahannock Goodwill Industries (RGI) operates 10 stores, one outlet, a commercial laundry, contract custodial and administrative services, three job help centers, and numerous attended donation centers in the city of Fredericksburg and a 12-county region in Virginia. RGI’s mission is to provide to people with barriers to employment – particularly those with disabilities – an array of quality vocational and educational services so that they can work most independently.

For more information about the drive, contact Chris Porter at (540) 654-1058.