July 27, 2024

Hubbard Interviewed on Ukrainian Family in NY Times, Boston Globe

Associate Professor of Historic Preservation Dan Hubbard

Associate Professor of Historic Preservation Dan Hubbard

Associate Professor of Historic Preservation Dan Hubbard was recently quoted in an article in The New York Times entitled “My Cousins are Killing Each Other”: War in Ukraine Splits Mixed Families.

“I have cousins on both sides,” said Dan Hubbard, a professor at the University of Mary Washington in Virginia. “I dread them killing each other.”

Hubbard, 64, was raised in the United States by his mother, who was Russian, and his Ukrainian great-grandmother. He fondly recalled how the two women used to share homemade cabbage pie while playing cards and making fun of each other’s accents.

Today, some members of his family live near Moscow and others are outside of Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, which is now under siege by Russian forces. Both his Russian and Ukrainian cousins are old enough to enlist in the army. Hubbard says he has been trying to avoid the news because it causes him too much pain.

“I feel for both sides because Russian boys don’t even know why they are there,” he said. “My cousins are killing one another because of a madman’s fantasy.” Read more.

“My cousins ​​are killing each other” (Vive LaPlata; Boston Globe; News Daily; The New York Times)

Center for Historic Preservation Awards Annual Book Prize

Winners of the 2021 Center for Historic Preservation Book PrizeThe 2021 University of Mary Washington Center for Historic Preservation Book Prize Committee is proud to announce that this year, they could not choose just one winner. There were two books that approached the discipline of historic preservation in new and groundbreaking ways: Thomas C. Hubka’s How the Working-Class Home Became Modern, 1900-1940 and Emily Williams’ Stories in Stone: Memorialization, the Creation of History and the Role of Preservation. From two very different perspectives and utilizing different methodologies, each volume successfully brought light to previously untold narratives in the past and teach us better, more rich ways of exploring the historic record. Both volumes challenge and expand the way we determine significance of a place or object.

In How the Working-Class Home Became Modern, Hubka works to correct our focus on high-style and upper-class housing by demonstrating the importance of change over time in small and often over-looked buildings. His sweeping work provides a way to study vernacular architecture of the working class as a topic worthy of its own focus. In so doing, Hubka makes a compelling argument that historic preservation has historically ignored the significance of working-class houses and the manner in which their owners were able to expand their properties and acquire services such as water, electricity, gas, sewer, kitchen appliances, and the indoor three-fixture bathroom suite. Through a wealth of illustrations, period photographs and drawings, and detailed timelines of the introduction of new technologies, Hubka has produced an enduring resource that will allow architectural historians to better assess and contextualize the fragmented and gradual modernization of vernacular buildings.

Williams’ Stories in Stone is a powerful demonstration of how a multidisciplinary micro-historical and object-biography approach can uncover an expansive story that reveals not only the rich history of the objects themselves, but can also combat areas in which the historical narrative has long been too narrow or circumscribed. Williams examines two gravestones from Williamsburg’s 19th-century African American community that could have been relegated to a footnote in the historical record. Instead, through an exploration of the life cycle of the gravestones, Williams uses the excavation, curation, public engagement, and interpretation of the objects to deepen our understanding of free African American agency, to create a historiography of the preservation discipline, and to assess how we create and maintain memory. The work provides an excellent model for preservationists interested in using compelling artifacts to address histories previously suppressed or ignored in the historic record.

These impactful and evocative books provide us a way to study and understand the power of the narrative in the object. One book is more technical and methodological, providing a guide to understanding the tangible and the history and use of those objects, and the other weaves an expansion of the historical record through a painstaking examination of two objects. Both Hubka and Williams add richness to the histories of groups long underrepresented in elitist histories and traditional preservation practice, creating resources that preservationists can employ to broaden our understanding of the past and our discipline.

The University of Mary Washington Center for Historic Preservation has awarded this prize annually since 1989 to the book (or books) with the most potential for positively impacting the discipline of historic preservation in the United States. In making its selection, the jury focuses on books that break new ground or contribute to the intellectual vitality of the preservation movement. Winners receive a monetary prize and are invited to give a lecture at UMW. This year is the first time since 1990 in which two books have received the prize, which according to this year’s jury, is reflective of the diversity of modern preservation practice. The jury was comprised of preservation academics, professionals, alumni, and a current student.


2021 University of Mary Washington Book Prize Committee:

Dr Lauren K. McMillan, Assistant Professor of Historic Preservation, University of Mary Washington (Chair)

Dr. Dan Hubbard, Associate Professor of Historic Preservation, University of Mary Washington

Dr. Lisa P. Davidson, Historian, National Park Service

Claire Ross, UMW Class of 2021, Departments of Historic Preservation and Anthropology, University of Mary Washington

Dr. Ellen Chapman, Cultural Resources Specialist, Cultural Heritage Partners

Maribeth B. Mills, Development Coordinator, Restoration Housing


Faculty, Students Select Center for Historic Preservation Book Prize

Preservation and Place: Historic Preservation by and of LGBTQ Communities in the United States, edited by Katherine Crawford-Lackey and Megan E. Springate.

Preservation and Place:
Historic Preservation by and of LGBTQ Communities in the United States, edited by Katherine Crawford-Lackey and Megan E. Springate.

The jury for the Center for Historic Preservation Book Prize recently met over Zoom and selected this year’s winner. The make up of the jury and a blurb about the book are below. Details about the Book Prize can be found here: https://cas.umw.edu/hisp/chp/book-prize/

University of Mary Washington Center for Historic Preservation Book Prize

2020 Book Prize Winner:
Preservation and Place: Historic Preservation by and of LGBTQ Communities in the United States, edited by Katherine Crawford-Lackey and Megan E. Springate

Book Prize Jury:
Paloma Bolasny, UMW class of 2006
Youth Programs Coordinator, Cultural Resources Office of Interpretation and Education
National Park Service

Lily Eghtessad, UMW class of 2020
Student/Knight Fellow
University of Mary Washington, Department of Historic Preservation

Michael J. Emmons, Jr.
Assistant Director, Center for Historic Architecture & Design
University of Delaware, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration

Daniel Hubbard, CPA, PhD
Associate Professor
University of Mary Washington, Department of Historic Preservation

Lauren McMillan, PhD (Chair)
Assistant Professor
University of Mary Washington, Department of Historic Preservation

Bryan Orthel, PhD
Associate Professor of Design
Indiana University Bloomington, Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design

Preservation and Place: Historic Preservation by and of LGBTQ Communities in the United States is a groundbreaking volume that starts a new conversation within the historic preservation profession. The editors and contributing authors explore various aspects of preservation of historic, cultural, and archaeological sites of LGBTQ communities across the United States. This timely volume advances topics little represented within the literature, or within the discipline in general, providing a context and model for other preservationists who wish to research and interpret sites associated with LGBTQ history. One of the more innovative aspects of this volume is that it was written to engage multiple audiences: practitioners, academics, advocates, students, and anyone who wants to employ inclusive and diverse preservation practices. Through multiple case studies, Preservation and Place helps to open new avenues to explore within the field of historic preservation, providing a useful and innovative handbook.

“Rooting for Shakespeare”

Are you celebrating the glories of this PIAP* Summer by putting your gardens to bed?  Then don’t just “weed them and weep” or “let sleeping dogwoods lie!”  “Winter is coming,” by George (Martin, that is) and it’s time to celebrate the poetry of the seasons by joining the FALSTAFF (Faculty, Librarians and Staff) Plant and Seed Exchange Program, sponsored by the President’s Sustainability Council and the BGP (Bard Garden Project).

Please contact Dan Hubbard (dhubbard@umw.edu) or Amme Mahler (aingram@umw.edu) if you are interested.  We want to know what you are willing to trade, what you would like to have and any special expertise you might be willing to share with other members of the Mdub Community.  In addition, if you have any old planting books that you would be willing to donate to a “Green Lending Library,” please let us know.  Long-term, we are hoping to create both a Mary’s Garden and a Shakespeare Garden on our campus, so we’re looking for those who might be interested in participating in either, or both, of these projects.

So whether you’re a “has bean” or just feeling seedy, leaf your worries behind, and share your COBnuts, CAStor beans or COEur de Boeuf tomatoes with your plant(ation) neighbors.

P.S. *PIAP = Politically Incorrect Adjectival Pejorative

UMW Awards Top Honors at Commencement Ceremonies

The University of Mary Washington presented its top honors during commencement ceremonies Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11. Courtney A. Lynn of Virginia Beach received the Colgate W. Darden Jr. Award, which is presented to the student with the highest grade-point average (GPA) in the four-year undergraduate program. She finished with a 3.99 GPA. Joella Killian, professor of biology in the College of Arts and Sciences, was presented the Grellet C. Simpson Award, the institution’s most prestigious annual award for excellence in undergraduate teaching. The recipient is routinely a senior member of the faculty. Melanie D. Szulczewski, assistant professor of environmental science in the College of Arts and Sciences, received the UMW Alumni Association Outstanding Young Faculty Member Award, which is presented annually to an exceptional member of the faculty who has served the institution for at least two years but no more than five years. Daniel J. Hubbard, associate professor in the Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems in the College of Business, received the Mary W. Pinschmidt Award. The winner is selected by the graduating class as the faculty member “whom they will most likely remember as the one who had the greatest impact on their lives.”

Louis A. Martinette, associate professor in the Department of Management and Marketing in the College of Business, was recognized with the Graduate Faculty Award. The honor recognizes an exceptional full-time faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in graduate teaching and professional leadership in a graduate program. The person selected must have served in a full-time position at the university for at least two years.

Courtney Lynn

Lynn is a psychology major who received a Bachelor of Science degree. A statistics tutor for two years, the Department of Psychology named her as the department’s outstanding senior. She has served as co-president of UMW’s chapter of Psi Chi, the international psychology society. Lynn has been named to the President’s List for six semesters and is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board national honor societies that recognize students for scholarship, leadership and service. Her research on children’s stress culminated in an honors thesis titled, “The Effect of Physical Activity on the Heart Rate Recovery of Children Under Stress.”  This fall, she will enter the Ph.D. program in School Psychology at the University of South Florida.

Joella Killian

Killian has taught at UMW for 29 years, joining the faculty in 1984. Students admire her for the thoughtful and tireless ways she approaches teaching. They view Killian as a role model and mentor. “They freely share their academic and personal challenges with her and actively seek her advice and support,” Interim Provost Ian Newbould said.  “The many long-lasting relationships she maintains with her former students serve as testimony to the positive impact she has had on them.” Killian earned a doctorate in entomology from North Carolina State University and a master’s degree in biology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She received a bachelor’s degree in zoology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A member of the Entomological Society of America and the scientific research society Sigma Xi, she is an expert in tree fruit entomology.

Melanie Szulczewski

A member of the faculty for the past five years, Szulczewski is recognized for her interactive ways of engaging students and her innovative teaching methods. “She works at helping students understand the complex scientific phenomena involved in the subjects she teaches,” Newbould said.  “Students praise her as energetic, passionate and enthusiastic.” Szulczewski spearheaded groundbreaking programs for the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, including a global inquiry course, the department’s first fully online course; its first field study course to be offered outside of Virginia and its first international course. She also initiated the development of the interdisciplinary environmental sustainability minor, a pioneering program that brings together courses from eight different departments.  In just two years, the minor has more than 35 students from 16 different majors. Szulczewski earned both a doctorate and a master’s degree in soil science from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and French literature from Cornell University.  An authoritative source on environmental issues, climate change and solar cooking, Szulczewski has presented her research at conferences such as the American Chemical Society, the Soil Science Society of America and the International Solid Waste Technology and Management Conference.

Louis Martinette

A member of the UMW faculty since 2004, Martinette is an exemplary teacher who is well-respected by his students and colleagues, according to Newbould.  Martinette earned a doctorate in business administration from Nova Southeastern University, a master’s degree from Golden Gate University, and a bachelor’s degree from Old Dominion University. Before coming to UMW, he had an extensive career in the private sector. Martinette founded and served as president for 12 years of a marketing and consulting company that developed strategic business plans for major corporations, including Chesapeake Forest Products Company and Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates. He also served as vice president of marketing of MicroMagnetic, a major distributor of computer supplies and accessories, and worked as a marketing manager for the 3M Company. His business experience provided him practical insights that he imparts to his students, Newbould said. Under his guidance, his MBA students helped a business leader develop a strategic plan for the next stage of his firm’s growth.       “Students saw firsthand how the task of developing a marketing strategy requires keen awareness of numerous market factors and sound, critical thinking,” Newbould said. Martinette has received professional awards, including the Silver Patrick Henry Medallion for Patriotic Achievement from the Military Order of the World Wars, an Outstanding Service Award from Averett University and the Associate Service Award from the Home Builders Association of Richmond. He is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Global Management Studies, and he is a member of Alpha Kappa Psi professional business fraternity and the American Marketing Association.

Daniel Hubbard

Hubbard is a registered certified public accountant who received a doctorate in accounting from Virginia Tech. He earned an A.B. from Georgia State University, a master’s from Middlebury College and a bachelor’s degree from Georgia Institute of Technology. Student Government Association Treasurer Amanda Buckner, who presented the award, described Hubbard as a role model and guiding light to students.  “His door is always open and a warm smile is always waiting,” Buckner said.  “One student said ‘he has helped me immensely through college and the hardships I endured. Without his help I would not have been able to do the things I did in college.’” His popularity also is apparent by his inclusion in the Princeton Review’s 2012 list of “Best 300 Professors.” The publication, which featured seven UMW professors, recognized 300 challenging and inspiring teaching faculty from 122 public and private colleges.

Seven Professors Named to “Best 300” List

Seven University of Mary Washington professors have been named to the Princeton Review’s inaugural publication of “Best 300 Professors.” The list of best professors, announced Tuesday, April 3, features 300 teaching faculty members from 122 public and private colleges and universities.

Profiled in the publication are Beverly Almond, adjunct professor of English; Dan Hubbard, associate professor and chair of accounting and management information systems; Miriam Liss, associate professor of psychology; Jeffrey McClurken, associate professor and chair of history; Warren Rochelle, professor of English; Gregg Stull, professor and chair of theatre; and Steve Watkins, professor of English.

“We are thrilled to have seven professors recognized among the top in the nation,” said President Richard V. Hurley. “Our more than 350 talented and dedicated master teachers inspire our students daily, and their work in and out of the classroom underscores the university’s commitment to be the best public liberal arts and sciences university in the country.”

For biographies of all seven professors, read the full news release from Tuesday, April 3.